Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Really Bad Week

1. I had the hardest classes this week and am totally exhausted. Someone broke the door knobs off one of the doors; another kid actually stole one of the door knobs.

2. Another genius decided to pour white glue all over the remaining door's door knobs, counter, floor and carpet near the door. It took me forever to get it cleaned up.

3. I had my first session at Curves and it was really tough. My fibromyalgia has been really, really bad this week and I was more wiped out than I thought I would be. I am SO out of shape it's sad. But I'm going back tomorrow.

4.This is going to come as a shock to some people, but I didn't make it to the Church show. Thursday was a nightmare day. I woke up at 4 am, never went back to sleep, had the class from hell, went to get my hair done, and was in MASSIVE PAIN. I decided I just couldn't go to the concert. I'm sorry to disappoint those who were waiting for a review and you may think I'm nuts but when I get in this kind of pain I can't push myself or I will pay for it. My health comes first now. After 15 years of pushing and pushing, I have finally learned sometimes I can't do things. There was no way I could make a 3 hour round trip to stand in a club in pain and see the band.

5. Yes, I was kind of disappointed. But not as much as I would've been had I forced myself to get in more pain. Sorry kids.

6. I saw The Hangover last night. Funny, but really crude. Maybe a little crude for me.

7. I feel like death warmed over today. This is the last week of school. As much as I don't relish living on savings for two months, I also can't wait to get away from these monster kids.

8. Some woman who works at the school I was at this week came up behind me and said "You're my hero. After everything you've been through, you still show up. You're not going to let these kids beat you." I said, no I'm just glutton for punishment. But in a way she is right. I refuse to be cow -towed by a bunch of immigrant kids who don't even appreciate or want the education we are giving them FOR FREE. Sorry if I sound racist. But I am sick of them mocking the flag, mocking the flag salute and bitching about the teachers and school. Why don't they fucking quit. I'm not some jingoistic patriot. I actually don't like saying the flag salute. But I do it. I respect the freedoms I have and the things I get that other countries would never give me.

9. I also need the paycheck desperately. You all know that.

10.This is really gross, but I think my cat Zoe has acne on her chin. My other cat Fletcher had it and it went away. It's nasty. I hope this just goes away and I don't have to take her to the vet. Ick.

11. I am still eating well, SLOWLY SLOWLY losing weight. I am anxious to go back to Curves but also, anxious it will make the fibro flare up. But I will do ANYTHING to get this weight off.

12. Sorry for the disappointing news and bummer blog. That's the way it is though and it sucks but I just have to ride it out until I feel better.


veleska1970 said...

1 & 2: what is the matter with those morons? are they really THAT bored?!?!!

3 & 11: good on ya for going, despite the fact that your fibro was acting up. and also congrats on the weight loss. that's a real triumph in itself. just keep at it.

4 5: i'm sorry you didn't go, too, but your health comes first. besides, methinks they'll be touring again in a few years, so we can probably catch them next time. ;)

6: i saw the previews, and it didn't look very appealing.

8: everything you said was exactly correct. that's gratitude for ya. **pfffftttt**

10: i've never heard of cats getting acne, but i guess they do. i cannot imagine what it even looks like.

12: i hope you're feeling better.

hahaha~~here's another appropriate word verif. it's "subbe". well, we hope that you won't be doing that for too much longer, that you'll find something permanent. **fingers crossed**

eek said...

I kind of thought something happened and you didn't make the show when you hadn't blogged or twittered about it yesterday. I'm sad because I think you would have enjoyed it if you had been feeling good, but when you feel like crap it's just not worth it.

re: the kids you teach -- I'd probably kill the little bastards.

re: cat acne -- some people I know have had good luck rubbing the area with a facecloth wet with a little peroxide and water every day. Also if you use plastic dishes, switch to metal, ceramic or glass. The plastic holds the bacteria and the others don't.

Good going on the weight loss/better eating/excercising! I need to get my ass in gear and do the same thing.

Sandy said...

I'm sorry ;you didn't make it to the Roxy. I hear it was a great show. I'm sure there will be recordings making the rounds sooner or later. I hope you feel better soon ~

General Catz said...

I'm sorry and frustrated about these kids. WTF is wrong with them? How entitled does this generation feel, especially since they haven't even done anything to contribute, not counting gang warfare.

It's probably not helping your FM either. If things were going better you'd prolly feel a lot better physically. Such is life.

Sorry you missed the show. I haven't even been keeping up with the tour since they're not coming here.