Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's About Time!

I update my blog that is. I've been terribly lazy about writing. And now I'm in a class that requires nothing but writing. Help! Speaking of...

I started school last week. I'm taking an English methods class - which is essentially a class teaching me how to teach my students English using the best practices possible. It is going to be a SHITLOAD of work. The professor started the class out by saying "This should be a two semester class." Good news! I'm not so terribly fond of her either; she's a little smug and has some of that professorial arrogance one gets at the PHD and University level. In other words, she thinks she's hot shit. Eh. We'll see. I definitely think the class will be helpful to me - already I'm realizing how much I DO NOT KNOW in terms of teaching English. Help! I have school one night a week and not much else so time should NOT be a problem. I'm grateful for that. Also, my best friend Cheri is in the class too, so that is a big plus.

It's so funny - our whole class is made up of Type A anal-retentive over-achievers and I totally include myself in that category. Already two women have basically been told to zip it by the professor. They just go ON and ON and ON in class, talking as if they're the only ones in the room. It's quite annoying and it stuns me how people can be so clueless to their own inappropriate behavior(s).

However, if I can whinge a bit here...can I just tell you how SICK I am of constantly having to go back to school? I just want a teaching job - that's like being a student all the time anyway - if you're a good teacher that is. And school is so crowded! It took me 20 minutes to get out of the parking garage last night. Oh well. I know if these are my biggest problems in life I should consider myself lucky.

I have sadly totally flaked on the exercise front for the last three weeks. The first week of January I went and then BOOM - extreme inertia and laziness has set in. As such I've only lost a couple of pounds in the last few weeks. I'm still eating really well though. Also still attending my meetings and working the OA program which keeps me on track with my eating. At least I'm not gaining weight.

The Coffee Date: Eh, was a bust. Not that it didn't go well. I met him at Starbucks and we had a perfectly lovely conversation for a little over an hour but there was ZERO attraction on my side and seemingly none on his. He looked really different from his picture too. Hate when that happens. In fact, and I don't know how to say this without sounding mean or judgmental...but I swear I think he had man boobs. Now I'm NO Heidi Klum and I have a few extra pounds on...but man boobs...I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet. ; )

At the moment I am conversing with three other guys. I'm calling one tonight on the phone and have been emailing the other two. As I said, I'm not real fond of doing this stuff, but hey, it's getting me out there and it's the best way for me to meet people right now. I WILL keep y'all posted.

My mom is going to Atlanta on February 11; she'll be there for 2 weeks. My niece has been having some major problems - like constantly throwing up her food and my brother and sister-in-law need help. They are at the end of their proverbial rope. My brother just started a new job and my sister-in-law is running out of time she can take off. My niece has had feeding/eating problems since she was born (as a severe micro-preemie) and is now enrolled in an intense eating/feeding program study at something called the Marcus Institute. I pray they can help her. We also have to get to the bottom of why she keeps spitting up what food she does manage to eat. There are so many issues with my niece. I love her SOOOOOOO much and just want to take them all away. She is the sweetest little girl with a really great personality - and she's had really a tough two years on this planet.

My dad will have been dead for 14 years on February 12th. It's hard to believe. Sometimes he seems so distant - as if I never knew him at all. I feel guilty when I feel that way. Then other times I miss him so much I just cry. I don't cry too much anymore - but still, you never stop missing your parent.

I am seeing the cardiologist this Monday, the 1st, just for a general check-up. The important appointment is on the 26th of February - that's when I see the hematologist and he will start running tests to see if and when I can get off this Coumadin. I really pray I can get off it. The eating restrictions are a bitch and just getting off one more med would be nice. We'll see.

Gosh I feel like this blog has been a real downer; didn't mean it that way. These are just the things going on. Generally I feel pretty good and am glad to have the class to give me more to focus on in terms of my career.

Well, time to go meditate...or try to anyway. Hope everyone is doing as well as can be. I promise to TRY and not be as flaky with my next blog update.
