Thursday, February 26, 2009

This is A Grammar Classic!

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles DA's office confirmed the lack of charges, saying, "We do not have enough evidence and there have been no charges filed on the Chris Brown case."

But that doesn't mean that Brown will get off scotch free. The spokesperson explained that "if the state gathers up enough evidence, we will press charges with or without her testifying. It is not up to the victim."

No, they'll let him go with at least two fine bottles Glenlivet.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tag, I'm It

What would you do if you answered the door and it was Chris Brown?
Kick him where it counts.

Are you a fan of iced coffee?
Kinda. I can take it or leave it.

Is there someone that you believe you will always be attracted to?
I hope so!

Who was the last person besides family that you saw in person?
My masseuse.

Do you believe everyone has a soul mate?

Do you like pancakes?

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Dasani Vitamin water.

Would you share your drink with a stranger?
No. I'm Howard Hughes germ-a-phobic.

Are you mean?
Only when I want to be, otherwise no.

What's the last movie you saw at the cinema?
The Reader.

Have you ever had a girl best friend?
Sure. Still have her, after 35 years.

Do you hate being alone?
No, I rather enjoy it.

What are your nicknames?
D, Nee Pie, Niecy and my new favorite (she says sarcastically) - teacher.

Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?

Is there a difference between love and in love?
Yes. I love my cats. I am not IN love with my cats.

Would you date someone who smokes?
No. Massive deal-breaker. I don't smoke. Can't stand it.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Read part of a book.

Do you like voicemails?
I tolerate them.

Where were you last night?
At Katsuya, this very cool sushi/Japanese restaurant

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?

Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
I did this last week - saw my old boss from 4 years ago and ran like the wind!

Where are you right now?

Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
Night. I can barely get dressed in the morning.

Has someone ever made you a promise & broken it?
Are you joking?

Do you like your name?
Used to hate it, now I love my last name, still hate my first name.

If Myspace made you pay would you still use it?
No. I don't use MySpace anyway.

What is the last thing you spent money on?
My massage.

Who can you blame for your bad mood today?
My brother. And my sinuses.

What are you listening to?
The fan.

What are you doing tonight?
Going to bed as soon as I finish this.

How is your life lately?
Better than it has been in a long time.

Last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom.

Whats the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Being alive.

Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying?
Naturally. I am the Humor Queen you know.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to work no doubt.

Do you wear a lot of black?
Yes, but in the summer I wear a lot of color.

Can you sleep without blankets covering you?

How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
8-9. Do I get this? Hell no.

Did you wake up happy today?

Whats the first thing you did when you woke up this morning?
Cursed my sinuses and called the dr.

Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with?
Good God no. This Q and A is never going to end.

Any upcoming vacations?
Palm Springs, in April.

How many windows are open on your computer?

What are you doing after this?
Never answering another one of these damned things again that's for sure.

Do you like to cuddle?

When was the last time you were disappointed?
What time is it?

What color is your tooth brush?
White and something else but I don't know, hee.

Are you looking forward to anything?
Yes, the end of this questionnaire.

Brown or blonde hair on the opposite sex?
Dark hair. Brown, dark brown, black.

If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?

What are you wearing?
This is getting perverted. A nightgown.

Is anything wrong?
Yes, too many questions!

What were you doing this morning at 5:30?

What were you doing 2 hours ago?
Waiting to see who was going to be the Top Chef!

What woke you up this morning?

Are you currently jealous?
Only of people who didn't get this questionnaire

What are the last 2 digits in your phone number?

Are you a bad influence?
I'm a school teacher for God's sake. I hope not.

Do you ever turn off your phone?

Did you kiss at midnight on New Years?
No. I was in bed alone.

What are you doing this coming weekend?
Going to a Big Band concert. Having a friend out.

For the love of all that is Holy people, don't do this one. I swear it's a killer.

The Fate of the Nation

I missed the first 20 minutes or so of Obama's speech last night so I'll have to catch it on YouTube. However, what I heard was inspiring. I understand many thought he was going to solely focus on the state of the economy. And yes I did think the speech veered off on many topics - but I did think it was meant to be a "rah rah we can do it (si se puede!)" inspirational speech for America.

But Jesus, don't we need that? So much of this economic crisis is psychological. People are frozen in their spending. Banks are frozen with their credit. Unless they're using bailout money to throw lavish parties for their employees. Vomit.

And yes I wonder where we are going to get all the monies we need for all the things this administration wants to accomplish. But I was inspired. I wanted to hope again. I want to believe America can pull itself out of this mess, this sinking morass of depression. I do feel it's a depression in many ways.

Is it so terrible that I wept when Obama talked about education? Not because he wanted to pay teachers more, but because he told America - we CANNOT have high school dropouts. We cannot succeed and compete as a nation with a population that either drops out of high school or even tries to compete in a global marketplace with ONLY a high school diploma. It's going to take more than that. Yet I see every day I work - hundreds of kids who are no doubt going to drop out of high school. I see the reality but want to hope. It's a strange dichotomy. I don't know how to get through to these kids. Obama was spot on when he said regarding dropping out of high school "You're not only quitting on yourself, you're quitting on your country." Sadly so many Hispanics I see still feel major ties to Mexico and I don't know if they feel tied enough to this country to feel any real sentiment at all. If you're here, you're here. You're American. Knowledge is not only power, it is the key to better jobs, better skills, better training, better careers.

I also wept when he talked about health care. You all know this is about as close to my heart as it can get. I don't even know if or what he can change with this fucking mess we have now. But once you've been sick, and you know you're basically uninsurable now, and you know what's it like not to be able to work, you realize the massive importance of health insurance. Every day I thank God I have it. And I still pay a fortune for drugs and medical costs. But I am still one of the lucky ones.

I have never prayed for a President before. But I will pray for this man and this administration and even his naysayers. Because God knows it can't hurt. And that's how much I believe in him. Lest you think I am some kind of Obama-groupie, please know that I know he's only human, and I do disagree with him on several issues, I don't think he's perfect and I don't think he'll be able to accomplish everything he sets out to. What President has? But he gives me a tiny bit of hope.

The audacity of hope, indeed.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Funeral Blues - Stream of Consciousness Style

Saturday afternoon
Overcast, humid, the skies leaning towards weeping
But alas, no
Dry as a bone
Funeral for Helen Headley
My best friend's grandmother
87, died on February 2
So why the funeral on February 21
Don't ask! The story is long
the wait longer

Beautiful old Scottish chapel
Wee Kirk O' The Heather
Lovely service
I sniffle because I cry at anything and everything
Beautiful casket (I have a thing for classy wooden caskets)
Even more beautiful yellow roses covering casket
Yellow flowers everywhere
Why that's my favorite color
Not to mention my favorite flower
I think the spray I bought looks particularly lovely
If I do say so myself

Moon River is played at the opening of the DVD montage
A life in pictures, melodies
Hey, that's my song, I wanted it at my yet-to happen wedding
Notice the positive
Don't want to accentuate the negative
Helen is gone
I've known her for over 30 years
Photos of her wedding, her children,
Her dead daughter Sue - breaking my heart
It broke hers to outlive two children
Photos of her smiling grandchildren, her baby great grandchildren
When Roseanne Cash sings "I'll be watching you from above
Because long after life, there is love"

I want to sob.

Inevitably I start thinking about my own life,
my own funeral
Who will be there to carry me down?
Who will bury me, play songs for me, make sure it's
yellow roses and the right prayers and I don't have children
so who will do all of this if I grow really old
So yes, Helen was 87 - old enough to go
My grandmothers lived to be almost 95
I figure I will be like them or kick off at 60, haha
You never know
Will they show pictures of my cats? Haha

She had 29 beloved cats
Though not all at once!!
Listen to her son speak
Her granddaughter
Her grandson
How do I want to be remembered?
What do I want to be remembered for?
What do I want people to say about me?

What if it happens sooner than I think?
Next year or five years from now - God forbid
Should I write down my wishes
Is that morbid?
Not anymore, not at this age
Like a Boy Scout
Always be prepared!
Or something like that

What is this life
So short, so small
Even if we are to meet some grand clockmaker in the sky
I don't understand all the machinations
on this spinning ball
Years and years and laughter and tears and love and hate
and pictures to document it all

What's it all for
What does it matter then
Why do I still ask the unanswerable questions
I know the silence that will come back to me

The interment short and sweet
On a hill overlooking the city
A bagpiper wails Amazing Grace
So beautifully sad
I stumble up the hill in my heels
And cling to the grass as the pastor
Reminds us there will be no more tears
no more sorrow, no more pain, no more suffering

The funeral official announces the reception
at a local Scottish restaurant
An institution - been around since 1922
One year younger than dear Helen
I'm hungry and thirsty and am ready to leave

I don't know
Maybe cremation is the way to go.