Thursday, July 01, 2010


Wow I haven't written anything in a month of Sundays!

Some new news:

1) My friend Cheri is living with me for a month, starting today. It's a LONG story but anyway, she's here. I helped her move out of her apartment yesterday. Moving is a bitch.

2) Still no job. Took an Excel class. Wow, it's tough. Will be taking another one, as well as two Word classes. I'm not going to be an expert at the computer by any means, but I've got to get better to even get a receptionist's job. That's so sad. I trained so hard to be a teacher; but it's not going to happen. I get rejection letters right and left. Sad.

3) GREAT NEWS on my health front. My hematologist ran some more tests; they are ALL NORMAL. It's very possible I will be off the Coumadin as of August 1st. If so, I can't wait!

4) I have been going to Curves regularly for slightly over a month. Wow, it's making a difference. I've been slowly losing some weight. Still going to OA.

5) No plans for the Fourth of July. As usual, haha. Cheri and I will probably just hang out.

6) I finally broke down and got wireless service in my place so I can move my computer anywhere I want it. AWESOME! It's great.

7) I guess not much else is going on. My balcony is either being eaten up by termites or it has wood rot. This is when I am glad I am a renter. It's not my problem to fix it.

8) Things are good, despite still being out of work. Hope all is well with all of you.