Thursday, May 25, 2006


Today is a good day so far.
Lay and Skilling are guilty;
the greedy stinking pigs!!!
Finally! Someone will pay for the
nightmare of Enron -
all those poor people losing their jobs and pensions
and sanity and health

These coporate whores are gonna have a new home
come September 11, 2006
I pray it's not some white collar country club
I want these pathetic excuses for human beings to live like the greedy pigs they are
It's rare that any justice is meted out fairly (See O.J. Simpson trial);
this time it happened.

And if it were up to me
these guys would both get boyfriends named Butch
or Bruno
and have to take it up the ***
for the rest of their lives
for smugly, self-righteously sticking it
to the working man and woman
whose lives
were torn asunder by the astounding, stunning
greed and cajones of
two little pigs.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


It has happened.
Armaggedon is here.
The Last Days.
I'm just waiting for the fire and brimstone.
Tonight, while painting my fingernails
I started watching "American Idol."

The Devil has me.
Three years I resisted.
Three long years I knew nothing of this madness
and the crazy- ass people who are obsessed with this show.
Yet somehow, someway, this time I actually know who the finalists are.
I'm going to Hell.
I'm weaving my handbasket right now.

I read something that just made me want to throw up
and broke my heart and blew my mind all at the same time.
More people voted last night for their favourite 'idol' than have ever voted
for the presidency.

Panem et circenses indeed.
We crave our mindless entertainment
Nero fiddles
Iraq burns.
War, what war? This Taylor Hicks guy is amazing! A young Joe Cocker.
Look! Paula Abdul is crying! Simon is smirking! Ryan Seacrest is trying really really hard to look straight.
I don't know who that black guy is.

I.E.D.'s rip apart lives
thousands of miles away
but what do we care!
Even I have fallen under the evil spell of this freak show
that I've hated with a passion.

I need a deprogrammer or something.
This can never happen again.
I never want to see how fucking stupid this entire country is
two nights a week
on a little box
that glows
in my living room.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Yesterday a mobile marine 'lab' came to school so the kids could experience a little ocean life first-hand. It was amazing. First of all, I've never seen anything quite like it - a mobile tide pool! Ah but it wasn't the sea urchins, or hermit crabs or even the baby octopus that so lightened my mood on a rainy Monday. It was the screams and peals of joy eminating from my kids....they were soooooooooooooooooooo excited....just following them outside they could not contain themselves and bounced off the sidewalk like little rubber balls. They crowded around the 'lab' and their awe, their innocent wonder of it all was magically contagious. They were fearless! Whereas I shrunk back from the sliminess of a sea slug, they took their little fingers and brushed them across its gooey back...they gently put their hands in the water and let families of tiny hermit crabs tickle the insides of their palms. We made a boat out of a seashell for one crab and sent it on its way down the ocean....they gently fed purple sea urchins seaweed and oooohed and aaaaaahhed at the bigger crabs in the containers. Oh their joy was something to behold, something I hope I never forget.

As I stood behind them, basking in their pure, unadulterated happiness, I wondered. When does this insane happiness and innocence leave us? Is it beaten out of us by the daily rigors of school and ultimately life? Is it natural to leave us? Certainly we could not exist in a state of heightened excitement over everything, always. We become numb, we become bored, we become used to things. It just seems to happen so fast.

They are truly at a magical age - the world and everything in it is new, fresh, exciting. We came back into the classroom and I stood there by the sink, making sure everyone washed his or her hands with soap....and because of the rain they ate lunch inside the classroom.

I watched as they ate their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crusts cut off, and I opened their bags of chips, and helped them with their drinks. The mobile tide pool was off to the ocean again, where all creatures, great and small, would be let back into the sea, into their natural environment. How wonderful. The children were blessed and able to experience new and different creatures, and they were kind and gentle.

I marveled at the ingenuity of such an idea - a mobile sea lab - and thought we never had anything like that when I was in school! They are lucky to be at a school that can afford to show them things like that. They are so lucky, in so many ways...but I am the luckiest one of all. For as cliched as it may sound, they have given me far, far, far more than I could ever give them. At this point in my life, when cynicism and pain seem poised to take over for good, life gave me a gift in these little people. And they will grow up, and good and bad things will happen to them, and they will have families of their own and they will never know how they saved a lost soul and led her to her bliss, finally.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Late Sunday afternoon in May
the sky is as dark as my mood is becoming
Got home from the desert on Friday.

Almighty Ra
Beautiful glorious Ra
Say goodbye to the sun!
Sunday they said it's going to rain
and sure enough, I'm here
waiting for the black dog, the deluge.

Five days in the mystical desert
lost all my worries, all my bad dreams
Floating through the midday heat
swimming and baking w/50 SPF of course
Because Almighty Ra can be a nasty mofo too.

But I'm back to reality
Yesterday, a day long class on the U.S. Constitution
which was heartbreaking really
when I realized we Americans have completely abandoned
all of our Constitutional rights in favor of creature comforts
and consumer bliss.

I've got my401K and my BMW and my two kids and my McMansion
so what the hell do I care if GW is listening to my phone calls
aiming satellites at me house
taking away all my civil liberties one by stinking one
I've gone my hair to do and my nails to get done
A man without a country? A woman without a country and I've got little hope left that what could've been will ever, ever be.

Poor James Madison is spinning is his grave no doubt
One of the greatest thinkers of all time
How to create fair and stable government
Checks and balances
the Scientific method
Sorry poor chap
That worked well for you 18th century folk
But see, you didn't have PC's and iPODS and Hollywood
You didn't have teeth whitening and silicone tits
You didn't have to upgrade yer spouse every few years
it's a whole different rat race now Jimmy
and we ain't got time for yer quaint Constitution!

Let them Bushies do what they want
Start an illegal, immoral, horrific war
Kill thousands of people, lie cheat, steal
Tax the poor
Feed the rich
Corporate whores
We just ain't got time to bitch

The intricate web and delightful fragmentation of power
Found in your Federalist theory
doesn't interest us
Separation of Powers?
It's not on HBO is it?

We have sold our souls
and our country.

They have not taken away States' rights -
We have given them away;
Congressmen and women have sold off their Constitutional rights
to the highest bidder that will get them re-elected
No one is going to save us
No one is going to stop us
from ourselves.
Fuck it. I hang my head in sorrow and shame.
I hang my flag upside down in anger and fear
and watch the dreams men died for go down the drain.

Fletcher is getting sick all over the apartment
I am chasing her around with a towel
Good luck
Trying to coax a cat to throw up exactly where you want them to.

I feel heavy,

I have so much to do this week
and so little to do it with.
I feel too sluggish for yoga
too tired for sleep
too worn down for thought
yet the little synapses keep firing away

I hate this fucking weather
it is sucking the life out of me.
Ra come back, all is forgiven.
I wish I was back in the desert
where time stops and I can suspend all reality