Sunday, May 21, 2006


Late Sunday afternoon in May
the sky is as dark as my mood is becoming
Got home from the desert on Friday.

Almighty Ra
Beautiful glorious Ra
Say goodbye to the sun!
Sunday they said it's going to rain
and sure enough, I'm here
waiting for the black dog, the deluge.

Five days in the mystical desert
lost all my worries, all my bad dreams
Floating through the midday heat
swimming and baking w/50 SPF of course
Because Almighty Ra can be a nasty mofo too.

But I'm back to reality
Yesterday, a day long class on the U.S. Constitution
which was heartbreaking really
when I realized we Americans have completely abandoned
all of our Constitutional rights in favor of creature comforts
and consumer bliss.

I've got my401K and my BMW and my two kids and my McMansion
so what the hell do I care if GW is listening to my phone calls
aiming satellites at me house
taking away all my civil liberties one by stinking one
I've gone my hair to do and my nails to get done
A man without a country? A woman without a country and I've got little hope left that what could've been will ever, ever be.

Poor James Madison is spinning is his grave no doubt
One of the greatest thinkers of all time
How to create fair and stable government
Checks and balances
the Scientific method
Sorry poor chap
That worked well for you 18th century folk
But see, you didn't have PC's and iPODS and Hollywood
You didn't have teeth whitening and silicone tits
You didn't have to upgrade yer spouse every few years
it's a whole different rat race now Jimmy
and we ain't got time for yer quaint Constitution!

Let them Bushies do what they want
Start an illegal, immoral, horrific war
Kill thousands of people, lie cheat, steal
Tax the poor
Feed the rich
Corporate whores
We just ain't got time to bitch

The intricate web and delightful fragmentation of power
Found in your Federalist theory
doesn't interest us
Separation of Powers?
It's not on HBO is it?

We have sold our souls
and our country.

They have not taken away States' rights -
We have given them away;
Congressmen and women have sold off their Constitutional rights
to the highest bidder that will get them re-elected
No one is going to save us
No one is going to stop us
from ourselves.
Fuck it. I hang my head in sorrow and shame.
I hang my flag upside down in anger and fear
and watch the dreams men died for go down the drain.

Fletcher is getting sick all over the apartment
I am chasing her around with a towel
Good luck
Trying to coax a cat to throw up exactly where you want them to.

I feel heavy,

I have so much to do this week
and so little to do it with.
I feel too sluggish for yoga
too tired for sleep
too worn down for thought
yet the little synapses keep firing away

I hate this fucking weather
it is sucking the life out of me.
Ra come back, all is forgiven.
I wish I was back in the desert
where time stops and I can suspend all reality

1 comment:

Centuryhouse said...

Good blog. Like you, I have a fascination for nautical things as well as the desert.

I totally agree with you about our culture's abandonment of the Constitution and all of the things that were put in place to ensure our continued liberty and freedoms.

While things have changed since it was written, the principles and framework are all just as relevant today as they were then, and no modern politician is looking out for THE PEOPLE like the original framers were.

It is a shame that quoting our nation's founders is now looked at as some sort of crazy, unrealistic talk - or even as anti-government talk by some!

We had something great and have let our politicians piss it away for us. It's not just their fault - those self-serving, greedy, arrogant politicians wouldn't be able to destroy our nation if we didn't sit at home in our apathy instead of going to the ballot box to unseat them.

I don't know if I have any hope at this point for our nation to straighten out. Not only was I not taught much about our Constitution & Bill Of Rights in school, but we were definately never exposed to the Federalist Papers or other resources written by the founders that explicity state what they meant in those writings.

How can 'we the people' fight for something when we've never educated ourselves about it, never thought through the implications, and are too lazy to go out and vote?

Now I'm depressed again.
