Wednesday, May 24, 2006


It has happened.
Armaggedon is here.
The Last Days.
I'm just waiting for the fire and brimstone.
Tonight, while painting my fingernails
I started watching "American Idol."

The Devil has me.
Three years I resisted.
Three long years I knew nothing of this madness
and the crazy- ass people who are obsessed with this show.
Yet somehow, someway, this time I actually know who the finalists are.
I'm going to Hell.
I'm weaving my handbasket right now.

I read something that just made me want to throw up
and broke my heart and blew my mind all at the same time.
More people voted last night for their favourite 'idol' than have ever voted
for the presidency.

Panem et circenses indeed.
We crave our mindless entertainment
Nero fiddles
Iraq burns.
War, what war? This Taylor Hicks guy is amazing! A young Joe Cocker.
Look! Paula Abdul is crying! Simon is smirking! Ryan Seacrest is trying really really hard to look straight.
I don't know who that black guy is.

I.E.D.'s rip apart lives
thousands of miles away
but what do we care!
Even I have fallen under the evil spell of this freak show
that I've hated with a passion.

I need a deprogrammer or something.
This can never happen again.
I never want to see how fucking stupid this entire country is
two nights a week
on a little box
that glows
in my living room.

1 comment:

Centuryhouse said...

Haha, I'm with you on all of that including resisting Idol and TV in general.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying it every once in a while as long as we don't neglect the important things. Don't feel too bad :-)