Monday, June 15, 2009


1. I didn't work today. Frankly after last week, I needed today. Friday is the last day of school. I think the kids will be worse than howler monkeys at that point. Wish I had a tranquilizer gun. Uh oh, shouldn't say gun!

2. Am going to Curves in less than an hour. I'm working up a sweat just thinking about it.

3. Ok, this June gloom is making me want to slit my wrists. BUT I say that with a caveat: it has to hang on through next week. Why? Because I think we're going to make another stab at going to Palm Springs. If June gloom hangs around, PS won't be 115 degrees.

4. I really, really, really want to get out of here for a while.

5. My cryptic comment of the day: No matter what some people do, they inevitably make you feel like shit. (Don't worry loyal blog readers, this has nothing to do with you!)

5. I'm totally bummed I'm going to miss S's wedding. :(

6. The great thing about working out is that it's OK to look like shit.

7. My cat Fletcher LOVES to sit by the power cords and the surge protector under my desk. WTF? I keep kicking her out but she always goes back. Weird.

8. Catz says I have lots to say - not this time! I can't even get to 10!

*9. Update: I just got home from my workout at Curves! I feel great! However, I will be glad to get my third workout done; they require someone to be 'teaching' you the proper way to use the machines, etc. the first three workouts and I'd like to start working out on my own. But wow, I wish I'd joined sooner. Ya'll should see how red my face is though, haha.


veleska1970 said...

1: is it almost over with already?? thank God, huh?

2 & 9: i'm cheerleading from the sidelines!! go denise!!!!

3 & 4: hope you can go. sounds like you need a big break from things.

5 (the first five, LOL) sorry that this person has placed you in this rotten position. here's some hugs.

5 (the second five) i will probably miss it, too, since that is about the time i will be in externship and will begin working soon after that.

6: yes, that's true. especially at curves. all those ladies are too busy trying to concentrate on their own routines.

7: she is probably attracted to the hum of those things. we can't hear it, but she can.

8: you DO have a lot to say. two blogs two days in a row~~that's better than i can come up with, LOL

today's word: fritifi. sounds like a fancy name for a french poodle. (i'm reading it as "fri-tEE-fEE".

General Catz said...

Twp #5's, hilarious!

However, "If June gloom hangs around, PS won't be 115 degrees." It is supposed to be up to 110 here by thursday, which means PS won't be far behind that, if not higher. Sorry. We were really enjoying these last few weeks of 90s. It should be in the 110s by now. Oh well.

Queen Hatshepsut said...

Wow I must like the # 5. I totally missed that. So I did make 10 comments!

daydreamer said...

I'm glad somebody around here is warm. Its freezing where I live. Still! And, it was cold in So Cal as well. I'm ready for some warmth!

You're making me feel guilty - or should I say you're inspiring me - with this Curves thing. I haven't been to the gym in a year, and my membership is due next month. Meanwhile I feel like a fat pig. Someone give me a poke with a sharp stick, will ya?!

Thanks for letting me off the hook on #5 ~

word ver: expecti - I expecti I'll be gettinga slimmi soon, if I excercisi

(had to post this twice - what's up with blogger?)