Monday, April 06, 2009


I am in such a flaming bad mood today. Went to the ENT AGAIN because of my sinuses. He has referred me to an allergist. Just what I want to do - go to yet ANOTHER FUCKING DOCTOR! I actually asked my ENT either to get me well or kill me. I told him I understand that last part isn't really part of his oath, but you know...fuck this shit. My sinuses have NOT given me this much trouble since 2002. I want to drill holes in my head.

And the Church, those mofo's, are doing the shortest tour ever. I really thought I might get to see Staci - but it's her beau's b-day and I don't think any of my other friends and relatives can make it out for one stinkin' Church show in June.

I'm on spring break; that's the good news. I can only sleep in til about 8am now because I get up so early during the week. Still, it beats getting up at 4 or 5 am!

I am also PMSing OK? There I said it. I just want to crawl under the covers. I'm going to do that now actually. I was thinking of taking of picture of my entire right leg, and putting it on here, because it literally looks like a car ran over it. This is the leg that took the brunt of the bench accident. It's really ugly and hurts like Hell. My doctor gave me no morphine. What a dick!


Sandy said...

The bench accident?!? What happened???

As for The Church, I left a note on Staci's blog that I think you two should shoot for Solana Beach. Its a week night, but that might solve the prob of Dave's b'day. And you'll be on summer vacation, right? I'd love to go, but I don't think I can go there and Chicago too. On the other hand my work is so slow I could probly go on the whole damn tour and never be missed. Too bad I'm broke.

eek said...

I missed the bench accident too! I want all the gory details damn it! >:( Sorry you're in pain...hope it heals quickly. Good luck with your sinuses -- I remember my mum had a really bad sinus infection and had to go to an ENT. The dr was using some scope to take a look and she was soooo enthusiastic -- "oooh! Yep, you have a huge infection. These are just loaded with pus!" You'd think it was the best thing she'd ever seen. And then she used this little vacuum-like thingie to suck some of the gunk out. And poor mum was looking as if she felt her brains were being sucked out. It was so absurd that I couldn't help but laugh (yeah, I'm going to go to hell for that). Mum did laugh about it later though. :-)

Right now it's just 2 dates shorter than their 2004 tour, although that one was CA heavy (yeah, I know CA is a big state). They didn't do many southern stops on that one either (just Atlanta, Alexandria, VA, and SXSW in Austin, TX -- but that was just a short show).

General Catz said...

I can relate walking into things. I always underestimate the distance between me and the corners of walls, doors, etc. Beat my shoulder up walking into a metal door frame yesterday. Good job both of us!

Your bruise will probably be there awhile. Take pictures.

Haven't seen the Wire or Slumdog. Been in a bit of a slump lately. A friend sent me photos of the house buying in LA. Fucking GORGEOUS -- mid-century i think. He's got a lot of $$. I'm sure it cost over $1m cos he sold his house for $1.5m. Makes me feel sad, i knew him when he lived in a shed behind someone's house! So, feeling a bit of a loser these days, wondering if the coming storm will force me to move.

Well, that was depressing, wasn't it? But i'm glad you're on spring break. I wish we got one at work.

veleska1970 said...

i hate sinus infections. your head feels like it's full of glue. when i was a child i had ear infections all the time (therefore i'm about 1/2 deaf in my left ear) and i know of the little vacuum thing that holly speaks of. talk about painful!!

i'm disappointed about the church shows. i was really hoping they would come this way again, or somewhere close. i'd even drive to houston (3 1/2 hours) if they were going there, but they aren't coming to texas at all. and unfortunately right now i can't hook up with y'all anywhere because like sandy i'm broke, too. in fact, i'm about to be put on layoff again because the season is winding down. i'm only working 3 days a week right now.
