Thursday, April 06, 2006


Two fucking a.m. again
I can't take this anymore
I can't take myself and
I can't get away

Nihilism and existentialism
Jesus, didn't I get off that train
in my 20's
Now I lie in bed again and think of the void
the Abyss
I want to believe so badly
but I just can't seem to get there from here

And I think about my dad
and how I'm probably never going to see him again
And the scream inside me
echoes endlessly
No one comes to save me
and I am missing everyone I have not yet lost.

I am thinking too much again
sometimes drugs don't seem like such a bad idea
after all.


Daberhasher said...

WOW... I absolutely loved all your posts... you are right on in my world... i know what you mean about leaving stuff in your 20's... but maybe it's just that we're more prepared to really deal with those concepts now, and try to live them and apply them to the worlds we've chosen... or something... i mean, you get exposed to all that stuff in your 20's, but you're also trying to get laid all the time... time and place.... if it helps, a quote that always helps me recover from being whacked by the cultural mundanity bat is as follows...

"...believe in those that are seeking the truth, doubt those who claim to have found it..."

hey, you're devotion to the kids shows... any Kilbey fan is going to be a fine steward of young imaginations... get them started with wings and hope... good to know you're out there...


...i give my kids a buck a tooth...

Queen Hatshepsut said...

This is VERY belated, but thanks for the kind words on my blog. And thanks for letting me know the price of a tooth. I think a buck a tooth is right. Some kids I teach get $5! I teach in a VERY wealthy area though. It's kinda nuts.
Great quote BTW. Thanks again!
Denise :)