Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More Randomness

1. I don't know why but I woke up in a good mood today. Probably because 1)I slept last night and 2) the stupid phone didn't ring at 5:30a.m. waking me up with a work call. I really need the money but for once it was nice to NOT have that damned phone ringing.

2. I have had the new Church album for a while and now I LOVE IT. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially the song "Operetta." It took me several listens to warm up to the whole album but now I think it's beautiful.

3. I am having trouble getting used to these new computer keys on my new computer. I am making far too many typos. I am also being redundant.

4. I have lost even more weight. I don't know how much; my scale is broken. But I see myself and I can tell and my clothes are actually getting looser. I still have about a thousand pounds to go, but I think I finally have some control over my eating. It feels really good.

5. On that note, I am going to check out Curves. I know Veleska went and I know I need to start moving to facilitate more weight loss.

6. I've sent out 20 more resumes. I can just hear the people laughing when they receive them, but I have to do something.

7. I'm very sad and distressed by S's news of D. I'm sure the procedure will go fine, but I really want him to change his habits so he will be here a long time. Who else will remind me that there are good, decent men out there?

8. I found 8 pennies at the gas station today. I'm sure we've all dropped the occasional penny, but sheesh - 8? I know it's nothing really, but I picked them up. I'm trying to decide how to invest them. ; )

9. I wanted to take an Excel class at the local community college and then I found out the class started today and is during the DAY. Hello, people do WORK you know. Why don't you have this class at night idiots! Now I don't know where to find an Excel class.

10. This blog is pretty damned boring. I will end it with another cryptic comment: When you use me as an afterthought, I will burn you and disappear.


veleska1970 said...

1. i'll bet it was nice to not have your phone ring at that ungodly hour. you actually got to sleep in!!

2. i downloaded the album and it took me a few listens, also, before i was hooked. as always, the church just cannot do anything bad. oh btw, your comment today to steve about his voice was just beautiful. after listening to him for 20+ years, his voice IS like an old friend!!

3. you have a laptop? i never could type on those things. i guess i'm just too used to my old 6-year-old clunker.

4. congratulations on losing weight. that is always a long, hard struggle. i've actually gained since i stopped going to curves.

5. **mental note to self: renew curves membership**

6. just keep at it. something will come up, i know it.

7. yeah, that is terrible about d. like i told her, it's frustrating when you cannot persuade someone to change the bad habits that they cling to. i hope he does for both of their sakes.

8. there's not much you can get with 8 cents. i don't have any suggestions.

9. that is asinine. they should offer evening classes for those that do work. check around at another college and see what they have.

10. this blog is not boring. i'll repeat what i said yesterday~~i always look forward to your blogs, what with their sharp wit and i always get to laugh. and i'm sorry about whomever screwed you over.

today's word: wmerpe. the letters are in weird places and i actually had to think about how to type this one!!

Sandy said...

1. I remember that from when I subbed. That 5:30 phone call is ghastly. But then I always wondered about the person making that phone call, and how early they had to get up!

2. I still haven't heard it. I'm finally starting to get curious.

4. What's your secret?

9. Look into online classes. Ed2go classes are pretty reasonable, they have one on Excel 2007, maybe that's outdated already?

word ver: dount - some people might read "don't" but I see "doughnut". No wonder I can't lose weight.

General Catz said...

good news on the weight loss and feeling good. that's a good day right there.

and does 8 pennies mean you have a week+ of good luck?

General Catz said...

oh yeah, and you're not boring. oh, and i had hell getting used to my new computer's keyboard. i'm still not fluent and i think i got it in october.