Saturday, January 20, 2007

Strike This Motherfuckers

Well pardon my French, especially as a teacher. But I keep hearing more and more about a strike - a strike that teachers will vote on next month, a strike where they will walk out the very month we are supposed to start student teaching. How massively this will affect us, our schedules, our potential to get jobs, interviews...knows no bounds.

But beyond my own selfish reasons for not wanting the strike, I am so sick of this useless union. I pretty much ranted about it in another blog so I won't repeat myself. I've been talked to a couple of my friends in the cohort and I am utterly stunned...stunned at how naive I can still be. That I thought somehow, someway this semester would be easier than last semester...hahahaa!

The district has offered a 3% pay raise, retroactive to last July, full health benefits and smaller class sizes. Sounds pretty decent. But no. The teachers want a 9% pay raise and they're going to walk out on the kids, on us, on everyone for it. And they'll walk back in with maybe 5 or 6% if they're lucky and they will have fucked everyone over for it and the union reps will get richer and the teachers still won't be able to buy a house here and the kids' grades will be screwed up and I really, really, really am thinking about shoving this credential in a box in June and going to work in administration, just selling the hell out for the money.


veleska1970 said...

oh, the joys of unions.

don't people have anything better to do than drag everybody else down with them???

daydreamer said...

Got a hankerin to check the blogs this morning - low and behold, several new posts by Denise!

Couple comments:

I didn't know union reps and school board members got paid a lot - in fact I didn't think they got paid at all. Am I that out of touch? Superintendants making 300G, well that's a different story.

Congrats on you new/old bod. Keep eating those veggies - they're good for you!

Good to have you back, D.


General Catz said...

I can feel your frustration. I wish i could be there to give you a hug. xoxo