Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Wait Is Over

Yeah yeah yeah, I know it's been about three months since I've written.
You don't even want to know. Believe me.
Churchill called it his 'black dog' ; let's just say William Styron and I undertsand each other a lot better now. Well, he's dead, but you get the drift, right?

So anyway, I return with but one burning question on my mind:

Why do people tape themselves having sex? I mean, celebrities, regular folk - why do they do it? I don't want to watch myself getting out of the shower much less having sex. Sometimes I haven't even wanted to be in my own body whilst having sex!

What are these people thinking?

I know what you're thinking: I waited three months for this? Ah shut up. This is like the great American novel for me. Baby steps people, baby steps.

Photo: Eric Bana. Someone I'd let turn the camera on.


General Catz said...

Welcome back.

I do not have an answer to your question although it seems to me that if you're famous that is the ONE thing you'd avoid. Celebrity does not equal brains.

veleska1970 said...


ok~~that's my obnoxious fix for the day. i am SOOOOOO glad to see you!!! i'm ecstatic that you have stepped from the bowels of the cave and emerged forth to bathe and dance in the sunlight.

now, to comment on your entry today~~methinks that a lot of celebs who do it kinda WANT for the tape to be "accidentally" posted on youtube or something. it's just too convenient, i believe.

i'll have to e-mail you (when i get time. time? what the hell is that????)

i'm glad to see you blogging again, D.

hugz hugz hugz hugz hugz....

Thomas Irvin said...

You'd think that people would be smart enough to not tape their sexual activities, but apparently not.

Maybe "abstinence-only" sex education could be altered slightly to say "Don't have sex until you're married. But when you are married and you have sex, don't tape it."

Do you suppose the conservatives would go along with that little addition?

eek said...

My guess is that it's one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time" things. I mean din't most of the really bonehead ideas we've all had seem like a good idea at the time, even though afterwards we look back and think "What the fuck was I thinking?!?"

There's just something in humans that allows those major lapses of any kind of sense. Perhaps (if you believe in a higher power) it's one of God's practical jokes. We do stupid things and he just throws back his head and laughs and laughs. (the bastard gets to laugh at me alot >:( )