Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Ha! It's my blog and I can say MERRY CHRISTMAS all I want. None of this "Happy Holidays" politically correct shite. And I'm not even that religious. But Merry Christmas anyway.

It's colder than a witch's tit here right's also 5:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve Day.

I'm excited to NOT be traveling this Christmas - although I will miss my niece terribly. I hope my brother videotapes her opening her gifts - or at least takes some pictures. I bought her a talking Elmo (several years ago before I had a niece I had NO IDEA who this Elmo creature was/is) and a Cookie Monster. And I bought her a Snoopy. Good thing she can't read this blog. Hee. I also bought her a Clifford DVD. She seems to have a thing for dogs. Clifford, Snoopy, Blue from Blue's clues.


I have stopped exercising for the last 2 1/2 weeks. I went into a fibromyalgia flare so bad I just quit. I've got to get back on the proverbial horse. It's amazing how fast the weight starts to creep back hoo.

Well there's not much to report really. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my blog readers. All what - six of you? LOL!

Hope you have a happy HOLIDAY. ; )


xbar said...

We are going to miss you here D2. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts you have purchased for Ella.

At least you have 6 readers, I only have, like, 3.

Love, S and E

veleska1970 said...

like the new blog layout.

merry christmas to you, too!!! i hope you enjoy it.

"where are the cats?" probably hunkering down if it's really cold outside. ;)

don't get me started on the exercise bit. i really need to get back into it, too. that'll be part of my new year. no, no resolutions, just a goal. i will start after i go back to work.

merry christmas, denise. hugz!!

General Catz said...

did you ever find the cats?

like the new look.

sorry about the FM flare-up. i hope it's gone soon. What's it feel like?

daydreamer said...

I'm with you. Merry Christmas. And Happy Twenty Ten!

xbar said...

Thank you for all your nice gifts D2. Ella really loves the Elmo.

Love, Sd