Thursday, June 22, 2006
A Quick Overview of My Brain Melting
Math. Studying. All day, all night.
Pythagoras can kiss my Western European ass,
I am stuck on factoring algebraic equations!
Oh tutor! My tutor!
Get thee to my house soon tomorrow
so you can teach me what I do not want to know.
Even decimals are fucking with me, the tiny
little bastard dots.
Integers that are positive and negative.
How can a number be negative?
How can you NOT have a quantity?
Signs mess up my mind
+ - + - + -
I feel like throwing up.
In the car, on the way to the doctor,
I spew forth geometric formulas
A2 + B2 = C2 motherfuckers!
The area of a triangel is 1/2bh.
And still, I am terrified.
I went to the doctor.
Boy was he in a bitchy mood.
All doctors to me, are nothing more than
necessary evils.
Apparently this guy is an easy mark.
Ha! Only took me almost 13 years to find someone
willing to help me.
He gave me the Ultracet; but I want to use it very, very sparingly.
Thus far, due to my father's addiction history, I've managed to go
almost 40 years, not only not becoming an alcoholic, but barely
drinking and taking pills very sparingly.
I am not thrilled to do this. But it beats the Neurontin.
I cannot gain any more weight; my health is suffering and I feel
heavy and awful in my own body. If you never knew me before,
you probably wouldn't even say I had a weight problem. But for
the formerly thin me, this sucks, to put it mildly.
Tomorrow night I'm seeing a play in Hollywood and going to dinner
with a friend. Saturday night another friend is taking me to a very belated
birthday dinner at Encounter - the cool, space-age looking restaurant
smack-dab in the middle of LAX.
Where does the time go? It's amost 11p.m. I must go to bed
to get up early and straighten this place up. I also need to
straighten my hair. Now, isn't your day complete just knowing
this? Come on, admit it.
It's amazing how I can go from profound to shallow in about 1.2 seconds.
Oh! Some really good news I alluded to yesterday - I have been OFFICIALLY
accepted into the Teacher Credential program at the university for Fall.
I received my letter in the mail today. I am excited, yet a bit nervous.
It's been ten years since I've been the student and not the teacher.
My whole life is going to change, come autumn. But this is a new chapter
and one I am looking forward to. Hell if I can pass this math monster
I can do anything!
Have I mentioned how much I hate my government today?
That's always good and cathartic.
The earth has a fever; they say it's the hottest it's been in 2,ooo
years. I don't doubt global warming for one split second, but who took
the earth's temperature 2,000 years ago? Now they're going to say
Stonehenge is a big thermometer.
I bought Al Gore's book today, "An Inconvenient Truth."
God it's all so depressing. I believe it said the only two countries
that haven't signed the Kyoto Agreement are the U.S. and Australia.
Australia? WTF?
My mother said, "I watched Frontline and this whole time Cheney
and Rumsfeld have been running the country, not Bush."
Pardon my Francais, for one moment here.
I've been saying that for 5 YEARS!
Now she believes FRONTLINE?
I made her say "Ok, OK, you told me so."
Yeah, I sure did!
Hence, my names for the Triumvirate: Satan, the Puppet and Death.
Rot in Hell, all of you.
Picture: My friend and yours, Pythagoras.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Cry Me A River
Well, today has only been marginally better than yesterday. I am in a
serious amount of pain; 99% of it in my neck, where it almost always it.
It's funny, this whole nightmare started on December 14, 1993.
I have a strange Rainman-like quality with dates, but I think
anyone whose life is changed by illness tends to remember
the moment it happens. I remember I went out to
dinner with my brother. It was a Tuesday night.
I was in finals week in graduate school. I came home,
sat on the couch, and the back of my neck started hurting
Then it started killing me. I had no idea why.
Little did I know that would be the
beginning of an ongoing journey through the medical mill
and all sorts of life-changing experiences.
I'm not sure why my fibromyalgia started in my neck. I always think of that
silly line in one of the Church's songs, "I have anxiety in my neck." Ha! I hate that line. I find it kind of cheesy. This is more than anxiety though. This is pain that radiates down my spinal chord and out into every muscle.
Two years ago I found a drug called Neurontin that was a life-saver. It stopped the pain in my neck. For two weeks, I was totally pain free. It was a gift from God. Except the brilliant doctors neglected to tell me I'd eat like a demon and gain 30 pounds. I'm not even vain anymore. I know I'll never be the tall, slim girl I was in college. But my weight is too high for my health, and I am miserable carrying it around on my body. Around Christmas I lost 20 pounds. It was so hard. I've always been a thin person, so I never had to diet. I never understood how hellish it is to try and lose weight. Talk about getting all kinds of perspective. Now I know.
In March, my doctor and I decided I'd go off the Neurontin and try to lose the weight and start an exercise regime, slowly. That was before my darling kids gave me walking pneumonia. So much for the exercise. The pain was actually OK - until the night of my birthday. When I got home, I thought I was going to die.
I've mostly taken aspirin or some other drug like Aleve for pain over the last 10 or so years. I've never been given a true pain killer, and I've never asked for one. I saw what pain killers did to my dad. I know that when you suffer from chronic pain, getting pain killers can be a dangerous way to live. The chance of addiction is very high.
The past few months, I've struggled with the pain on and off. It seems like it's starting to become more on than off. I admit, I 'borrowed' a few Ultracet pills from my mom - they are for mild to moderate pain. They help 100% as long as I only take around two a week. If you start taking pain meds everyday, you build up tolerance and then you need more and more. Another lovely Catch-22.
Over the years, I have struggled immensely with my health, not just physically, but perhaps even more emotionally. I've been in therapy. I've been very ashamed - as if I did something wrong - as if I somehow brought this on myself.
Perhaps it was all the doctors who told me there was nothing wrong, or insinuated I was just some hysterical female. Thirteen years ago, this disease wasn't accepted like it is today; and even today, some moronic doctors still think you're just hysterical and depressed. I'd like them to live with this pain for a year and see what they have to say after that. Well to be honest, first I'd like to kick the male doctors in the nuts and then have them live with FMS for a year.
I felt if people knew, they wouldn't like me, or wouldn't want to be my friend. Let's face it, I did lose some friends over the years - because of my dad, because I couldn't go out and socialize like I used to. It's very, very rare now, thank goodness, but many years ago, I was unable to do anything. If I ran one errand a day, it was a triumph. I hid my pain from everyone, and I still do to a large extent. I don't want to burden others, I don't want to be seen as different - frankly I don't want to seem weak. I don't want pity, but I do want understanding if I can't do something. I rarely if ever back out on plans now...but every now and again, I am too tired, I am in too much pain to go out. I still feel horrendously guilty if I do cancel on someone. Hmm. Self-esteem issues anyone?
This may sound crazy, but I even felt it made me less of a woman. It's greatly affected my relationships with men. I feel I must hide it, or not let it get in the way of the relationship. I feel like no one will ever want me on a permanent basis - who's going to want to deal with this crap, til death do us part? I am, I would say, probably 95% functional now, but still...I can't climb mountains, I need to rest more than the average bear. I am NOT lazy and I think I overdo it to prove that fact. At one point I felt like I didn't deserve to even date, to have sex, anything. I felt like a fraud. As if I was offering up damaged goods. I worked so hard to try and overcome these beliefs...but it's hard. I managed to really ram them into my psyche and it's hard to let go of them.
I do more physically than some of my friends, but that still doesn't make me feel better. I still feel like I have a big mark on my forehead. The scarlet letter of Having Something Wrong. Perhaps it would've been easier if it had been, God forbid, something more well known. Lupus, MS. God knows I DO not want those diseases; they are progressive and I have seen firsthand the horrible damage MS does to a person. But I never felt legitimate having FMS. I always felt like I had to explain myself. Hello, I am not some hysterical, depressed, neurotic nut who managed to create all this made-up pain. Yes, this is real. No, they can't find it on a lab test yet. But yes, it IS real.
In exchange for going off the Neurontin, the doctor put me on something called Topamax. I am NOT fond of putting all these drugs in my body, but I want to function. I was on Topamax for a week and thought I was dying. It is the single worst drug I've ever been on. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and telling him I am convinced the Devil created that drug. It fucked with my brain in ways that were so frightening I can't even explain it. It made me forgetful beyond belief. I couldn't grasp certain words - even the PDR said it would do this. I literally sat there, struggling to speak. It does something fucked up to the language center of your brain. It made me beyond tired, beyond fatigued, beyond weary. I can't even explain it. I told my friend "This is what end-stage cancer victims must feel like." Moving from room to room took all my energy. I felt like every drop of my blood had been drained from my body. I could barely make it upstairs. Needless to say, after a week, I took myself off the drug. Within a day or two, I was Ok.
I may do something tomorrow I've not done in almost 13 years. I may ask the doctor for some Ultracet. I do not want to go back on Neurontin. I can't afford to gain more weight. Will he give it to me? That's the $64,000 question. He hands out pills fairly easily. He wanted me on sleeping meds. I tried them for a couple of nights. No good. I don't want to be on sleeping pills. I don't want to be drugged up to the gills. But I don't want to live my days like today, paralyzed in pain.
I'm trying to study for the math exam, and it's hard enough to care about quadratic equations when you feel good! I found out some good news; I'd already been accepted into the University I applied to - but I was also accepted into the Credential program. So this fall, I have to be functional. I need to work and take classes, pain or no pain. I want this Credential more than anything. I finished my M.A. when I was quite ill, so I know I can do it.
I feel weak asking for something to reduce the pain a few days a week. Who knows what will happen. I have refused to go down the road my dad did. I will not use alcohol as a drug, and I will not get on 20 different types of pills. That being said, getting on one pill scares me enough.
No picture day. You really wouldn't want to see me now. :)
Cry Me A River
Well, today has only been marginally better than yesterday. I am in a
serious amount of pain; 99% of it in my neck, where it almost always it.
It's funny, this whole nightmare started on December 14, 1993.
I have a strange Rainman-like quality with dates, but I think
anyone whose life is changed by illness tends to remember
the moment it happens. I remember I went out to
dinner with my brother. It was a Tuesday night.
I was in finals week in graduate school. I came home,
sat on the couch, and the back of my neck started hurting
Then it started killing me. I had no idea why.
Little did I know that would be the
beginning of an ongoing journey through the medical mill
and all sorts of life-changing experiences.
I'm not sure why my fibromyalgia started in my neck. I always think of that
silly line in one of the Church's songs, "I have anxiety in my neck." Ha! I hate that line. I find it kind of cheesy. This is more than anxiety though. This is pain that radiates down my spinal chord and out into every muscle.
Two years ago I found a drug called Neurontin that was a life-saver. It stopped the pain in my neck. For two weeks, I was totally pain free. It was a gift from God. Except the brilliant doctors neglected to tell me I'd eat like a demon and gain 30 pounds. I'm not even vain anymore. I know I'll never be the tall, slim girl I was in college. But my weight is too high for my health, and I am miserable carrying it around on my body. Around Christmas I lost 20 pounds. It was so hard. I've always been a thin person, so I never had to diet. I never understood how hellish it is to try and lose weight. Talk about getting all kinds of perspective. Now I know.
In March, my doctor and I decided I'd go off the Neurontin and try to lose the weight and start an exercise regime, slowly. That was before my darling kids gave me walking pneumonia. So much for the exercise. The pain was actually OK - until the night of my birthday. When I got home, I thought I was going to die.
I've mostly taken aspirin or some other drug like Aleve for pain over the last 10 or so years. I've never been given a true pain killer, and I've never asked for one. I saw what pain killers did to my dad. I know that when you suffer from chronic pain, getting pain killers can be a dangerous way to live. The chance of addiction is very high.
The past few months, I've struggled with the pain on and off. It seems like it's starting to become more on than off. I admit, I 'borrowed' a few Ultracet pills from my mom - they are for mild to moderate pain. They help 100% as long as I only take around two a week. If you start taking pain meds everyday, you build up tolerance and then you need more and more. Another lovely Catch-22.
Over the years, I have struggled immensely with my health, not just physically, but perhaps even more emotionally. I've been in therapy. I've been very ashamed - as if I did something wrong - as if I somehow brought this on myself.
Perhaps it was all the doctors who told me there was nothing wrong, or insinuated I was just some hysterical female. Thirteen years ago, this disease wasn't accepted like it is today; and even today, some moronic doctors still think you're just hysterical and depressed. I'd like them to live with this pain for a year and see what they have to say after that. Well to be honest, first I'd like to kick the male doctors in the nuts and then have them live with FMS for a year.
I felt if people knew, they wouldn't like me, or wouldn't want to be my friend. Let's face it, I did lose some friends over the years - because of my dad, because I couldn't go out and socialize like I used to. It's very, very rare now, thank goodness, but many years ago, I was unable to do anything. If I ran one errand a day, it was a triumph. I hid my pain from everyone, and I still do to a large extent. I don't want to burden others, I don't want to be seen as different - frankly I don't want to seem weak. I don't want pity, but I do want understanding if I can't do something. I rarely if ever back out on plans now...but every now and again, I am too tired, I am in too much pain to go out. I still feel horrendously guilty if I do cancel on someone. Hmm. Self-esteem issues anyone?
This may sound crazy, but I even felt it made me less of a woman. It's greatly affected my relationships with men. I feel I must hide it, or not let it get in the way of the relationship. I feel like no one will ever want me on a permanent basis - who's going to want to deal with this crap, til death do us part? I am, I would say, probably 95% functional now, but still...I can't climb mountains, I need to rest more than the average bear. I am NOT lazy and I think I overdo it to prove that fact. At one point I felt like I didn't deserve to even date, to have sex, anything. I felt like a fraud. As if I was offering up damaged goods. I worked so hard to try and overcome these beliefs...but it's hard. I managed to really ram them into my psyche and it's hard to let go of them.
I do more physically than some of my friends, but that still doesn't make me feel better. I still feel like I have a big mark on my forehead. The scarlet letter of Having Something Wrong. Perhaps it would've been easier if it had been, God forbid, something more well known. Lupus, MS. God knows I DO not want those diseases; they are progressive and I have seen firsthand the horrible damage MS does to a person. But I never felt legitimate having FMS. I always felt like I had to explain myself. Hello, I am not some hysterical, depressed, neurotic nut who managed to create all this made-up pain. Yes, this is real. No, they can't find it on a lab test yet. But yes, it IS real.
In exchange for going off the Neurontin, the doctor put me on something called Topamax. I am NOT fond of putting all these drugs in my body, but I want to function. I was on Topamax for a week and thought I was dying. It is the single worst drug I've ever been on. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and telling him I am convinced the Devil created that drug. It fucked with my brain in ways that were so frightening I can't even explain it. It made me forgetful beyond belief. I couldn't grasp certain words - even the PDR said it would do this. I literally sat there, struggling to speak. It does something fucked up to the language center of your brain. It made me beyond tired, beyond fatigued, beyond weary. I can't even explain it. I told my friend "This is what end-stage cancer victims must feel like." Moving from room to room took all my energy. I felt like every drop of my blood had been drained from my body. I could barely make it upstairs. Needless to say, after a week, I took myself off the drug. Within a day or two, I was Ok.
I may do something tomorrow I've not done in almost 13 years. I may ask the doctor for some Ultracet. I do not want to go back on Neurontin. I can't afford to gain more weight. Will he give it to me? That's the $64,000 question. He hands out pills fairly easily. He wanted me on sleeping meds. I tried them for a couple of nights. No good. I don't want to be on sleeping pills. I don't want to be drugged up to the gills. But I don't want to live my days like today, paralyzed in pain.
I'm trying to study for the math exam, and it's hard enough to care about quadratic equations when you feel good! I found out some good news; I'd already been accepted into the University I applied to - but I was also accepted into the Credential program. So this fall, I have to be functional. I need to work and take classes, pain or no pain. I want this Credential more than anything. I finished my M.A. when I was quite ill, so I know I can do it.
I feel weak asking for something to reduce the pain a few days a week. Who knows what will happen. I have refused to go down the road my dad did. I will not use alcohol as a drug, and I will not get on 20 different types of pills. That being said, getting on one pill scares me enough.
No picture day. You really wouldn't want to see me now. :)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Apparently, Today is About Me, and My PMS
Yes, it's come. How can I tell? Because I'm like a fucking clock.
10-12 days before my period, I start becoming REALLY unglued.
I don't just have PMS, I have that DISORDER...where the PMS
makes my life Hell. I've just recently been trying to deal with it
in different ways. Knowing when it arrives helps me understand
I have read about the refugees today, and reading about the way
those two missing U.S. soldiers were found makes me want to vomit.
It had to be a vicious revenge killing for the U.S. killing al-Zarqawi.
And when I mentioned how horrible it must be for the families' of these
two soldiers, to know how their children were killed and mutiliated beyond
all appearances, my friend said, "Well al-Zarqawi probably had a family too."
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Of course he did. And for anyone innocently connected to that madman, I am very sorry for them. I did not condone
bombing al-Zarqawi. I never condoned starting this fucking nightmare of a war in the first place.
But in fairness, come ON. al-Zarqawi was a MONSTER on the level of SATAN
compared to two young soldiers who, as far as I know, didn't behead civilians, or dedicate their lives to the cause of wiping out every last Muslim.
This war sickens me. And death begets death. But I will not EVER compare a man who killed Muslims, women, children, babies, HIS OWN PEOPLE - to two young kids who probably never dreamt they'd end up fighting a corrupt, immoral war and who died, desecrated and mutiliated.
So now we see. And we will kill them. And they will kill us. And when will it end?
When will it END?
I also found out the Big Pharma Co. near my house lets its employees stay at the Ritz-Carlton on a business trip. THE RITZ-CARLTON! Even their corporate rates are outrageous! How do I know this? My friend's husband works for them and managed to make it impossible for them to stay anywhere else. Don't ask me how this works. When your Rx meds go up and up and up and up...whether you take the Pill, anti-depressants, cancer drugs or blood pressure meds, remember what Big Pharma is doing with all its profits.
FUCKING CORPORATE WHORES. I am so angry about this, and I know I shouldn't be because there is nothing I can do. It's not like I didn't know the pharmaceutical companies were in bed with the Devil. It infuriates me though to even think I know someone who would manipulate the company into letting them stay at the most expensive hotel in the city. I hope they all rot in hell with their profits.
And no, I am no saint, I am not pure, I am not perfect. I have lived a life of some material wealth but I have seen that it gets you fucking nowhere. I have had the most precious things stolen from me - my health, my father, my peace. I would give everything I owned away for a life without anymore pain and fatigue. I am studying to be a teacher. I have been a teacher. I should be smart enough to not regress to the level of a 10 year old who stomps her feet and says "The world is not fair! The world is not fair!"
But that's how I feel today. My dad would say, "Fair? Fair? A fair is a place with cows and pigs and chickens..." I know there's no fair. Hormones make me want to cry over it.
Maybe I won't even have to worry about it, seeing how this North Korean missile thing is going. So we're mulling shooting down their missile. Ah yes, good times!
21,000 more troops notified for Iraq deployment. The world had gone stark raving mad. I hate myself for getting so emotional. I hate myself for being so naive sometimes. I know I will be better tomorrow. I am just in a lot of pain today, and the hormones are raging.
Sometimes I wish I could be more like some friends I have, and not care about these things. They seem to lead an easier life. Less tears, less depression. Less sadness.
One friend jokes about my 'goat' for Christmas. Last Christmas I asked my friends to get me something from Oxfam - a charity where you can buy food, trees, goats, etc. for people in villages who desperately need this stuff. I know it's a joke to her, but I don't want anymore gifts. I can't seem to get that through anyone's head. I have enough crap to last me three lifetimes. It's just a joke to some people.
No one spent more money on more shit growing up than I did. But I saw in the end that none of it made me happy. None of it could get me the things I really wanted. Love, health, family. You don't have to be Donald Trump to realize that all the gold in the free world isn't going to solve all your problems. I want enough money to be comfortable, enough to give some away to charity, enough to buy a few books and CD's and any medicine I need, and keep my cats happy.
My friend told me to go to Africa and teach. You know, I just might do that.
Because what if the whole world fell apart and no one gave a shit?
Apparently, Today is About Me, and My PMS
Yes, it's come. How can I tell? Because I'm like a fucking clock.
10-12 days before my period, I start becoming REALLY unglued.
I don't just have PMS, I have that DISORDER...where the PMS
makes my life Hell. I've just recently been trying to deal with it
in different ways. Knowing when it arrives helps me understand
I have read about the refugees today, and reading about the way
those two missing U.S. soldiers were found makes me want to vomit.
It had to be a vicious revenge killing for the U.S. killing al-Zarqawi.
And when I mentioned how horrible it must be for the families' of these
two soldiers, to know how their children were killed and mutiliated beyond
all appearances, my friend said, "Well al-Zarqawi probably had a family too."
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Of course he did. And for anyone innocently connected to that madman, I am very sorry for them. I did not condone
bombing al-Zarqawi. I never condoned starting this fucking nightmare of a war in the first place.
But in fairness, come ON. al-Zarqawi was a MONSTER on the level of SATAN
compared to two young soldiers who, as far as I know, didn't behead civilians, or dedicate their lives to the cause of wiping out every last Muslim.
This war sickens me. And death begets death. But I will not EVER compare a man who killed Muslims, women, children, babies, HIS OWN PEOPLE - to two young kids who probably never dreamt they'd end up fighting a corrupt, immoral war and who died, desecrated and mutiliated.
So now we see. And we will kill them. And they will kill us. And when will it end?
When will it END?
I also found out the Big Pharma Co. near my house lets its employees stay at the Ritz-Carlton on a business trip. THE RITZ-CARLTON! Even their corporate rates are outrageous! How do I know this? My friend's husband works for them and managed to make it impossible for them to stay anywhere else. Don't ask me how this works. When your Rx meds go up and up and up and up...whether you take the Pill, anti-depressants, cancer drugs or blood pressure meds, remember what Big Pharma is doing with all its profits.
FUCKING CORPORATE WHORES. I am so angry about this, and I know I shouldn't be because there is nothing I can do. It's not like I didn't know the pharmaceutical companies were in bed with the Devil. It infuriates me though to even think I know someone who would manipulate the company into letting them stay at the most expensive hotel in the city. I hope they all rot in hell with their profits.
And no, I am no saint, I am not pure, I am not perfect. I have lived a life of some material wealth but I have seen that it gets you fucking nowhere. I have had the most precious things stolen from me - my health, my father, my peace. I would give everything I owned away for a life without anymore pain and fatigue. I am studying to be a teacher. I have been a teacher. I should be smart enough to not regress to the level of a 10 year old who stomps her feet and says "The world is not fair! The world is not fair!"
But that's how I feel today. My dad would say, "Fair? Fair? A fair is a place with cows and pigs and chickens..." I know there's no fair. Hormones make me want to cry over it.
Maybe I won't even have to worry about it, seeing how this North Korean missile thing is going. So we're mulling shooting down their missile. Ah yes, good times!
21,000 more troops notified for Iraq deployment. The world had gone stark raving mad. I hate myself for getting so emotional. I hate myself for being so naive sometimes. I know I will be better tomorrow. I am just in a lot of pain today, and the hormones are raging.
Sometimes I wish I could be more like some friends I have, and not care about these things. They seem to lead an easier life. Less tears, less depression. Less sadness.
One friend jokes about my 'goat' for Christmas. Last Christmas I asked my friends to get me something from Oxfam - a charity where you can buy food, trees, goats, etc. for people in villages who desperately need this stuff. I know it's a joke to her, but I don't want anymore gifts. I can't seem to get that through anyone's head. I have enough crap to last me three lifetimes. It's just a joke to some people.
No one spent more money on more shit growing up than I did. But I saw in the end that none of it made me happy. None of it could get me the things I really wanted. Love, health, family. You don't have to be Donald Trump to realize that all the gold in the free world isn't going to solve all your problems. I want enough money to be comfortable, enough to give some away to charity, enough to buy a few books and CD's and any medicine I need, and keep my cats happy.
My friend told me to go to Africa and teach. You know, I just might do that.
Because what if the whole world fell apart and no one gave a shit?
Today is World Refugee Day
Today is not about me, or you, or even Angelina Jolie.
Today is about the millions of displaced persons, the millions
of starving children, desperate fathers and mothers and families
who feel the world has forgotten them.
I don't like to put my politics and beliefs on others. But today
I will. I will say, please, please remember these people. Somehow, some way. Please go to the link below and at least read about what their reality is like.
It's no TV show.
We've seen these images for so long we are seemingly immune to them;
don't let that happen.
My prayer is this: God, do not less us become so immune, so fatigued by
images of death and dying that we become too cynical, and think, I can't
do anything. If we cross over into cynicism, we have committed the worst act
of all - we will have abandoned these people.
Who said, 'the worst thing in the world is for a good man to stand by and do nothing'?
The same blood runs through our veins. It bleeds red. Put yourself, your child, your parent in their place in your mind for one minute.
Do not forget those whose very lives depend on our ability to have hope for them, even when they have understandably lost all hope.
Link: Please click here and do what you can. Photo Credit: CNN - Children in Chad
Monday, June 19, 2006
Happy Trails To You...
Well, here it is Monday and I still haven't really processed my
last day with the kids. It was kind of a crazy day, with all the kindergarten (morning and afternoon) classes meeting at 7:45am so we had lots and lots
of wild kids running around. We played on the 'big kids' playground, and read a book about dinosaurs, and they had lunch, and we watched a video someone took of one of the kindergarten classes throughout the year.
When I arrived at school, there were already two gorgeous bouquets of flowers
waiting for me...and more gifts than I could've ever imagined...all in pretty pink
bags. Gift cards, beautiful bookmarks, a beautiful pink satin robe - I mean, these moms really went overboard - I know they can afford it, but it was slightly embarrassing. I was only doing field experience - I wasn't even the teacher!
These teachers, what they don't get in salary, they must make up for every year in gifts! But I had to remind myself, this is a very wealthy community and a very wealthy school.
That is certainly NOT why I did this. For me, the absolute, most special gifts were the cards that the kids made. They were all hand-made, and all so adorable. Marla gave me a lot of pictures of the kids doing things on days I wasn't there, to fill up my scrapbook. The end came far too soon, and as 11:00am
rolled around, the kids gathered up their backpacks and got in line, just like it was any other day. Each day a child picks a song to sing as they're leaving. Sometimes it's "Happy Trails." That's what we sang on Friday.
I'd held it together pretty well, considering what an emotional, blubbering cry-baby I am. I asked each little girl for a goodbye hug and they gave it to me; it's so sweet and sad - obviously at this age they don't realize this was a permanent goodbye. One little girl was crying and crying - she didn't want to leave kindergarten. I felt for her!
I asked the boys if I could shake their hands and I did.
Debbie, Tanner's mom walked in as most of the kids walked out, and she looked so strange. She had her sunglasses on but she looked angry. For a moment I was scared - until she just burst into tears. Well, that did it for me. Debbie and I were probably the closest - and I admit, her son Tanner was a favourite of mine, despite his stubborn Taurus-like nature (he was born the day after I was in April). She, as a mother, I guess, was just really emotional at seeing her little boy leave kindergarten, basically his last 'fun' year behind. We hugged and cried together. Tanner is so lucky to have such an amazing mom.
After everyone had left, Marla was kind enough to invite me to lunch with all the other K teachers; she had to help me to my car with the flowers and boxes and bags. I need to write a LOT of thank-yous. We had a fun lunch and then I came home, and bawled. I was exhausted.
Today, Monday, it really hit me that I'm not going back.
It also has been weighing on my mind lately the difference between a school like this one, and say, a school in South L.A.
The opportunities these kids have, as opposed to the lack of opportunities so many children have...whether it be in the areas of parenting, food, clothing, shelter, a stable family environment, books, decent teachers...the inequality is heart-breaking. And then to take it a step further - I read about Darfur, the Congo, Sudan....I see how so many children don't even make it to 5...I feel so utterly helpless to do anything. Fate has such a hand in your life...where you're born, who you're born's amazing. Whenever I would feel sorry for myself my dad would say, "Be grateful for what you have. You could've been born an untouchable in India." How true.
I hope when I student teach I am put somewhere I am really, really needed. Because it's not about me, being in a cushy rich environment. Certainly I don't want to have to dodge bullets to get to class, but I want to go where the true help is needed next time.
So, happy trails to you, my cupcakes. I'm not sure we'll ever meet again. I wish you health, peace, joy, love, and gratitude for all you have. I'll keep you in my heart, always. Thanks for the cards, the memories, and for being your wonderful selves.
Picture: Claire and Rama mugging for the camera at the Mother's Day Tea.
A Short and Happy Blog
Well, after the last two semi-sad stories, I feel like I'm
depressing my readers.
And my other wittle kitty, Fletcher (she is a she, because we
made a mistake and thought she was a he) is jealous that Zoe
got so much publicity.
So I'm showing you Fletcher...or Fletch...or Fletchie or Fletcherama
as I like to call her. She was the runt of Tamarin's litter - but she's
made up for it now with her obsessive need to eat every 30 seconds.
She was born with a little crooked tail...I always say she didn't have
enough room in the womb.
She is chubby and loving and loves to groom her sister, Zoe.
She loves belly rubs and she adores my friend Gena...and Gena's shoes.
She doesn't like to he held, but she'll sit on your lap and 'make muffins' on you forever.
Her face looks like she dunked it in a bowl of milk or white paint.
She HATES the camera - she's oddly afraid of it. Maybe she thinks having her picture taken is akin
to stealing her kitty soul, like the Indians.
She's quite annoying as she gets up at 5:00am on the dot every single day for breakfast and is relentless until she's fed.
She was my dad's cat for a year before he died, but she's been mine
for 10 years.
She likes to lick your skin - I think she enjoys the salt.
She's not nearly as afraid of strangers as Zoe. She'll come out to greet people eventually. Her shoe fetish is a bit worrisome, but I'm going to pass on therapy.
She's my snuggle-bunny and sleeps about 26 hours a day.
And now....for your viewing pleasure....Miss Fletcher!
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