Enjoy The Little Things, For One Day You May
Look Back and Realize They Were the Big Things
Yes, one of my favourite little pithy cliches. As the years go by,
I find more and more truth in this little ditty. Perhaps because my life has taken
turns towards great introspection and stillness that I would not have
experienced had my body not broken down on me so young...I don't know.
Here are some of my favourite "little" things:
1. The sound of my wind chimes on my balcony.
2. My sheets. They're like sleeping on a tiny slice of Heaven.
3. Starbucks black iced tea, unsweetened. Simple, simply delicious.
4. Watching my almost 14 year old cat Zoe in the dark bathroom,
chasing her tail - she thinks no one can see her.
5. Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now"
6.The scent of Yankee Candle's Christmas Cookie candles permeating
my apartment
7. The Japanese maples in my complex whose leaves actually change colour
and give me a tiny sense that our seasons are changing
8. The movie "Love Actually"
9. The fact that save for a few smile lines around my eyes, my face is
virtually line/wrinkle free at 41 (and considering some things I've been
through and the crying I've done - it's a miracle. Oh and hell yeah I'm vain!)
10. Listening and watching my niece giggle and laugh - the sweetest
sound on earth
11. Reading my friend's blogs - a not so "little" enjoyment! ;)
12. Deciding which book to read next
13. Students who ask if I can be their regular teacher when I'm subbing
for them
14. Accepting the things I cannot change (wait, this isn't little, this is
15. A fabulous meal in an outstanding restaurant
16. The sound of autumn leaves crunching under my feet on an
overcast day
17. The perfect martini
18. Laughing at ANYTHING - the kind of laughter that leaves your
stomach aching; the kind that leaves you doubled over in pain and breathless
19. Coming across a van Gogh I've never seen before
20. Any single, unexpected moment of peace and contentment.