The Weather Outside is Frightful
And frankly I find it delightful...
Some randomness...
It's about 45 degrees and raining. Yes, in Southern California.
Yes Virginia, it also snows here. I looooooooooooooooooove it! (Sorry, V)
I have a head cold. As opposed to those nasty foot colds.
I am about to go to therapy. (C'mon people, it's CALIFORNIA!)
I'm leaving for Atlanta next Tuesday; I dread the flight. I'm hoarding Xanax.
The last flight home from Atlanta SUCKED. I cried during it. Can you tell I hate
flying? I'm just never going to get used to it.
My niece Ella has a cold. She's too tiny to have a cold! I honestly think my cat
Zoe has a cold. Ah, it's that time of year.
I stupidly subscribed to the Sunday L.A. Times and they have been calling me
nonstop ever since. Today I was sleeping, picked up the phone and yelled "Quit
calling me!" I hope they got the message.
I have discovered The Office. The American version. Now don't go and start telling
me how much better the original British version is. I've seen a few episodes of the
original. I think Ricky Gervais is a genius. It's funny. But I'm sorry, I am in deep,
profound LOVE with the American version. I've bought all the DVD's. I have an
extremely unhealthy obsession with John Krasinksi now (he plays Jim). He's too
cute for words. Yes, I know, I'm about three years late on this bandwagon. I have
never laughed so hard at any TV show, except maybe the genius "Arrested Development"
show, which was cancelled because most of America is too stupid to realize great
comedy. I'm surprised The Office even made it. Man, if you have EVER worked in an
office (and I'm so glad I don't anymore - this show reminds me WHY I don't) -
you will just relate to the tedium of office work. Office games? Totally remember them.
Wasting time? I was an expert at it. Sadly the Internet did not exist the last time
I worked in an office which was....drumroll...1991!
Teaching is so much better. When I actually do it. Haven't been working at ALL for the
last couple of weeks. Teachers are amazing going to work. They just want to collect
all the gifts they can before the break. Ha! I should know.
I finished almost all my Christmas cards and will be mailing them today. I am done
with shopping too, praise Jesus.
It's 3:23 p.m. and I still have to get dressed. Is this TMI? Man, I sound pathetic.
I am not going to wear any make-up today. I hope the screaming and fainting will
not be too bad, since I have to go the grocery store. I am so fucking sick of putting on
I have lowered my Lyrica dose and am losing weight - hmmm, coincidence? I think
not. I am soooooo tired of fucking around with this medicine, which has started to
cause me all sorts of grief...besides helping me pack on the pounds.
I would desperately like to shave my head, but alas, I am getting my hair dyed and
hightlights done on Monday and I think my stylist might be a bit peeved if I did
My life is so boring now - but after the year I've had, I guess that's a good thing.
Photo: Me, holding my niece Ella last August. This is the reason I fly.