Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Wait Is Over

Yeah yeah yeah, I know it's been about three months since I've written.
You don't even want to know. Believe me.
Churchill called it his 'black dog' ; let's just say William Styron and I undertsand each other a lot better now. Well, he's dead, but you get the drift, right?

So anyway, I return with but one burning question on my mind:

Why do people tape themselves having sex? I mean, celebrities, regular folk - why do they do it? I don't want to watch myself getting out of the shower much less having sex. Sometimes I haven't even wanted to be in my own body whilst having sex!

What are these people thinking?

I know what you're thinking: I waited three months for this? Ah shut up. This is like the great American novel for me. Baby steps people, baby steps.

Photo: Eric Bana. Someone I'd let turn the camera on.