News of the Inane
Today whilst shopping at the grocery store, I was in the checkout line, gazing at the multitude of magazines with Angelina Jolie on the covers. Then something far more interesting caught my eye. You know those tiny, cheesy books they stack at the checkout line - usually they're about food or astrology or something? This one was about cats and had the best title ever:
Why Does Your Cat Sulk?
You know, I can attest to the fact that indeed, my cats have and do sulk, especially Zoe, when she doesn't get her way (which isn't often because she's so massively spoiled and I've NO idea how she got that way.) I just had to laugh. With everything going on in my life and the world, I had to say: I just don't give a shit why my cat sulks. Not on the top of my list.
Right now, things that top my list:
Three more days with my kids. Monday we're going to be at a camp for a party all day, so essentially two more days in the classroom with the kids. Kudos to me for putting up with a bunch of immature, rude, classless hacks all year. And yes, I'm talking about my colleagues and boss. NOT MY KIDS - who I finally realized, are just simply a product of their parents and environment.
Report cards: I'm working on them this weekend. They suck, let me tell you. College report cards were much easier because I was only grading two subjects, not four, and I didn't have to fill out an entire half a page on behavior. I mean, really, what am I gonna say? "I basically hated your bratty kid and can't wait to see his smirky, ugly face gone from my presence and I hope the door doesn't hit him on the ass on the way out.
Weight: Joining Curves when I'm done with school. My sis-in-law has lost 12 pounds doing NutriSystem too. I never, ever, ever, ever, ever thought I could get this heavy or feel this horrible.
Ella: She's gained a tiny bit of weight since being on the new formula; the last two months she's struggled to gain basically 6 ounces or so. That is NOT right and my brother called up the doctors and read them the riot act, rightly so, about why his daughter is not gaining weight. Oh, and by the way, I'm in love with her. I can't even imagine what I'd feel if she were my own child. I'd go insane. This is probably why I never really wanted kids. I knew my head would explode if I had one.
Tutoring: Somehow I agreed to tutor one of my boys at his home - starting June 24th. Ugh - why did I do this! The money obviously. These people are stinkin' rich. She was talking about having me stay two hours, come twice a week, whatever. It'll pay for my gas.
Tim Russert: My mom told me he died yesterday after school while I sat in my classroom. Needless to say, like almost the entire nation, I was shocked. I LOVED him. I admit it, I cried like a baby watching Tom Brokaw's tribute to him. He was only 58. I think everyone is freaked out, including me, about how he went. His heart just went KAPOW and that was it. Lights out friends. I didn't know he was such a devout Catholic. I feel so sorry for his wife and especially his son, who just graduated from college. The shock of finding out your parent is dead, especially when you are so young, is utterly horrifying.
Old Father's Day: Well, this the 13th Father's Day without my dad. I'm good. Soon I'll be unemployed, overweight, single and living with a couple of spoiled cats. I'm still good. I think that might be part of the answer, if not the answer. I can be good despite my circumstances. I think about my dad but it's like a far-off dream. My dad would've HATED hearing about Tim Russert. Since all my dad did for years was watch TV, he watched just about every news show there was, including I'm certain, Meet the Press. My dad would be really, really sad.
New Father's Day: It's all about my brother now. He is a new father; this is his first Father's Day and although he can go a bit overboard worrying (although considering what he's been through having a preemie it's almost understandable) he is an amazing father. He loves his little "sweet pea" more than anything and yes, he worries about her welfare all the time. He is a wonderful father. I wish he wouldn't weigh Ella so much though; she's going to have weight/scale issues as a toddler! She looks so much like him in some ways - especially the eyes. It's like looking at a picture of my brother when he was a baby. So Happy Father's Day Steven. You are a fantastic father and your daughter already adores you I'm certain.
Picture: My cat Zoe, possibly sulking, though I really don't give a shit.