Biggest oil price drop in 17 years
Crude falls $6.45 a barrel - 2nd largest price drop in dollar terms
Ok, so I go on CNN and this is one of the headlines. Like this is going to make any difference to me. Still, I'm reading the article and I get to something that has driven me insane for years. Why haven't I just Googled this you wonder? I don't know. I wonder the same thing.The article said "Light, sweet crude dropped over $6.00 a barrel - " and there's where I stopped. We're talking oil here, right? Not the kind you cook with. Fossil fuels. Energy. The shit that turns into gasoline. So why in the heavens is it called "light, sweet"? Is it light? Does it have 50% fewer oily calories than heavy crude? And the sweet part! I always picture a giant barrel of black gold,oozing out, and some guy taking his finger and licking it, going "Mmmm...kinda sweet."
Or is it another kind of sweet? Is it affectionate crude? Is that even possible? Is there something called "Heavy Sour Crude?" Look, I know these are fucking stupid questions. But that's Ok because I'm stupid now. It's summer, I'm stupid, all my smarts dissipated back in June when I at least pretended to give a damn.
Enough with the oil and for the love of Jesus Christ on pogo stick - ENOUGH with the IndyMac disaster. And I'm NOT being insensitive as I have quite a bit of money with IndyMac in a CD. But I'm holding on and not running to the bank because well, I am NOT going to stand in line for 5 hours, and I trust the FDIC shitheads will still have my FDIC INSURED money next week and I'm going to deal with it when I get back. So there it is in all its glory: A bank that gave too fucking much money to too goddamned many people who didn't deserve it, couldn't pay for their fucking bloated variable rate sub-prime mortgages and now a LOT of people are gonna lose money that is NOT FDIC insured. Probably responsible people. So I see the IndyMac sign and I want to choke someone.
I just hope they put enough fuel in my plane on Thursday. Yes, I'm that neurotic. I hope they're still paying their mechanics - oh wait, never mind, I got off a Delta flight in Atlanta (Delta's hub BTW) about three years ago and all the news people were there because Delta had gone into bankruptcy. I don't know - is the government propping them up? How did that work?
Never mind. I'm going to find out what light, sweet crude is. It kind of sounds sexual. Or...maybe that's just me.