A Short and Happy Blog
Well, after the last two semi-sad stories, I feel like I'm
depressing my readers.
And my other wittle kitty, Fletcher (she is a she, because we
made a mistake and thought she was a he) is jealous that Zoe
got so much publicity.
So I'm showing you Fletcher...or Fletch...or Fletchie or Fletcherama
as I like to call her. She was the runt of Tamarin's litter - but she's
made up for it now with her obsessive need to eat every 30 seconds.
She was born with a little crooked tail...I always say she didn't have
enough room in the womb.
She is chubby and loving and loves to groom her sister, Zoe.
She loves belly rubs and she adores my friend Gena...and Gena's shoes.
She doesn't like to he held, but she'll sit on your lap and 'make muffins' on you forever.
Her face looks like she dunked it in a bowl of milk or white paint.
She HATES the camera - she's oddly afraid of it. Maybe she thinks having her picture taken is akin
to stealing her kitty soul, like the Indians.
She's quite annoying as she gets up at 5:00am on the dot every single day for breakfast and is relentless until she's fed.
She was my dad's cat for a year before he died, but she's been mine
for 10 years.
She likes to lick your skin - I think she enjoys the salt.
She's not nearly as afraid of strangers as Zoe. She'll come out to greet people eventually. Her shoe fetish is a bit worrisome, but I'm going to pass on therapy.
She's my snuggle-bunny and sleeps about 26 hours a day.
And now....for your viewing pleasure....Miss Fletcher!
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