Today is World Refugee Day
Today is not about me, or you, or even Angelina Jolie.
Today is about the millions of displaced persons, the millions
of starving children, desperate fathers and mothers and families
who feel the world has forgotten them.
I don't like to put my politics and beliefs on others. But today
I will. I will say, please, please remember these people. Somehow, some way. Please go to the link below and at least read about what their reality is like.
It's no TV show.
We've seen these images for so long we are seemingly immune to them;
don't let that happen.
My prayer is this: God, do not less us become so immune, so fatigued by
images of death and dying that we become too cynical, and think, I can't
do anything. If we cross over into cynicism, we have committed the worst act
of all - we will have abandoned these people.
Who said, 'the worst thing in the world is for a good man to stand by and do nothing'?
The same blood runs through our veins. It bleeds red. Put yourself, your child, your parent in their place in your mind for one minute.
Do not forget those whose very lives depend on our ability to have hope for them, even when they have understandably lost all hope.
Link: Please click here and do what you can. Photo Credit: CNN - Children in Chad
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