A Quick Overview of My Brain Melting
Math. Studying. All day, all night.
Pythagoras can kiss my Western European ass,
I am stuck on factoring algebraic equations!
Oh tutor! My tutor!
Get thee to my house soon tomorrow
so you can teach me what I do not want to know.
Even decimals are fucking with me, the tiny
little bastard dots.
Integers that are positive and negative.
How can a number be negative?
How can you NOT have a quantity?
Signs mess up my mind
+ - + - + -
I feel like throwing up.
In the car, on the way to the doctor,
I spew forth geometric formulas
A2 + B2 = C2 motherfuckers!
The area of a triangel is 1/2bh.
And still, I am terrified.
I went to the doctor.
Boy was he in a bitchy mood.
All doctors to me, are nothing more than
necessary evils.
Apparently this guy is an easy mark.
Ha! Only took me almost 13 years to find someone
willing to help me.
He gave me the Ultracet; but I want to use it very, very sparingly.
Thus far, due to my father's addiction history, I've managed to go
almost 40 years, not only not becoming an alcoholic, but barely
drinking and taking pills very sparingly.
I am not thrilled to do this. But it beats the Neurontin.
I cannot gain any more weight; my health is suffering and I feel
heavy and awful in my own body. If you never knew me before,
you probably wouldn't even say I had a weight problem. But for
the formerly thin me, this sucks, to put it mildly.
Tomorrow night I'm seeing a play in Hollywood and going to dinner
with a friend. Saturday night another friend is taking me to a very belated
birthday dinner at Encounter - the cool, space-age looking restaurant
smack-dab in the middle of LAX.
Where does the time go? It's amost 11p.m. I must go to bed
to get up early and straighten this place up. I also need to
straighten my hair. Now, isn't your day complete just knowing
this? Come on, admit it.
It's amazing how I can go from profound to shallow in about 1.2 seconds.
Oh! Some really good news I alluded to yesterday - I have been OFFICIALLY
accepted into the Teacher Credential program at the university for Fall.
I received my letter in the mail today. I am excited, yet a bit nervous.
It's been ten years since I've been the student and not the teacher.
My whole life is going to change, come autumn. But this is a new chapter
and one I am looking forward to. Hell if I can pass this math monster
I can do anything!
Have I mentioned how much I hate my government today?
That's always good and cathartic.
The earth has a fever; they say it's the hottest it's been in 2,ooo
years. I don't doubt global warming for one split second, but who took
the earth's temperature 2,000 years ago? Now they're going to say
Stonehenge is a big thermometer.
I bought Al Gore's book today, "An Inconvenient Truth."
God it's all so depressing. I believe it said the only two countries
that haven't signed the Kyoto Agreement are the U.S. and Australia.
Australia? WTF?
My mother said, "I watched Frontline and this whole time Cheney
and Rumsfeld have been running the country, not Bush."
Pardon my Francais, for one moment here.
I've been saying that for 5 YEARS!
Now she believes FRONTLINE?
I made her say "Ok, OK, you told me so."
Yeah, I sure did!
Hence, my names for the Triumvirate: Satan, the Puppet and Death.
Rot in Hell, all of you.
Picture: My friend and yours, Pythagoras.
1 comment:
So, how was your night out?
And, regarding Bush, when i saw he became the republican candidate way back in 2000, first thought in my mind was "This moron is going to get us involved in a war." Very prophetic, dontcha think? I was mortified when he got elected. How did it happen? And why did the poor southern states carry that guy? What were/are they thinking?
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