This is A Grammar Classic!
A spokesperson for the Los Angeles DA's office confirmed the lack of charges, saying, "We do not have enough evidence and there have been no charges filed on the Chris Brown case."
But that doesn't mean that Brown will get off scotch free. The spokesperson explained that "if the state gathers up enough evidence, we will press charges with or without her testifying. It is not up to the victim."
No, they'll let him go with at least two fine bottles Glenlivet.
Speaking of LAPD (well, almost) I just watched the movie Changeling which is a true story about a lady who's child was abducted in 1928 and the LAPD screwed up the case (on purpose?) The shit they got away with back then was absolutely appalling.
Oh I just watched Changeling too! Wasn't that MIND BOGGLING? The police were the criminals!
Not surprised at all they let him go. And she'll run right back to him. That's how it goes.
You know, once when i was in Ireland i was at a bar with my friend and two guys from Glasgow started talking to us. They were hilarious and drunk. But one of the guys said they were Scotch. I didn't know that was how they referred to themselves, or else he was too drunk to notice.
I think that's how they refer to themselves (the Scottish)...then again, how would I know?
As for Rhianna/Chris Brown, you're so right, sad to say.
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