Tag, I'm It
What would you do if you answered the door and it was Chris Brown?
Kick him where it counts.
Are you a fan of iced coffee?
Kinda. I can take it or leave it.
Is there someone that you believe you will always be attracted to?
I hope so!
Who was the last person besides family that you saw in person?
My masseuse.
Do you believe everyone has a soul mate?
Do you like pancakes?
What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Dasani Vitamin water.
Would you share your drink with a stranger?
No. I'm Howard Hughes germ-a-phobic.
Are you mean?
Only when I want to be, otherwise no.
What's the last movie you saw at the cinema?
The Reader.
Have you ever had a girl best friend?
Sure. Still have her, after 35 years.
Do you hate being alone?
No, I rather enjoy it.
What are your nicknames?
D, Nee Pie, Niecy and my new favorite (she says sarcastically) - teacher.
Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Is there a difference between love and in love?
Yes. I love my cats. I am not IN love with my cats.
Would you date someone who smokes?
No. Massive deal-breaker. I don't smoke. Can't stand it.
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Read part of a book.
Do you like voicemails?
I tolerate them.
Where were you last night?
At Katsuya, this very cool sushi/Japanese restaurant
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
I did this last week - saw my old boss from 4 years ago and ran like the wind!
Where are you right now?
Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
Night. I can barely get dressed in the morning.
Has someone ever made you a promise & broken it?
Are you joking?
Do you like your name?
Used to hate it, now I love my last name, still hate my first name.
If Myspace made you pay would you still use it?
No. I don't use MySpace anyway.
What is the last thing you spent money on?
My massage.
Who can you blame for your bad mood today?
My brother. And my sinuses.
What are you listening to?
The fan.
What are you doing tonight?
Going to bed as soon as I finish this.
How is your life lately?
Better than it has been in a long time.
Last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom.
Whats the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Being alive.
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying?
Naturally. I am the Humor Queen you know.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to work no doubt.
Do you wear a lot of black?
Yes, but in the summer I wear a lot of color.
Can you sleep without blankets covering you?
How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
8-9. Do I get this? Hell no.
Did you wake up happy today?
Whats the first thing you did when you woke up this morning?
Cursed my sinuses and called the dr.
Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with?
Good God no. This Q and A is never going to end.
Any upcoming vacations?
Palm Springs, in April.
How many windows are open on your computer?
What are you doing after this?
Never answering another one of these damned things again that's for sure.
Do you like to cuddle?
When was the last time you were disappointed?
What time is it?
What color is your tooth brush?
White and something else but I don't know, hee.
Are you looking forward to anything?
Yes, the end of this questionnaire.
Brown or blonde hair on the opposite sex?
Dark hair. Brown, dark brown, black.
If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
What are you wearing?
This is getting perverted. A nightgown.
Is anything wrong?
Yes, too many questions!
What were you doing this morning at 5:30?
What were you doing 2 hours ago?
Waiting to see who was going to be the Top Chef!
What woke you up this morning?
Are you currently jealous?
Only of people who didn't get this questionnaire
What are the last 2 digits in your phone number?
Are you a bad influence?
I'm a school teacher for God's sake. I hope not.
Do you ever turn off your phone?
Did you kiss at midnight on New Years?
No. I was in bed alone.
What are you doing this coming weekend?
Going to a Big Band concert. Having a friend out.
For the love of all that is Holy people, don't do this one. I swear it's a killer.
Is there a difference between love and in love?
Yes. I love my cats. I am not IN love with my cats.
Good to know that bestiality isn't one of your vices.
Yes, I thought you might be worried about me there. ;)
I kept waiting for them to ask your mothers maiden name. I tell ya, I'm getting suspicious of these things. I'll pass ~
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