The Fate of the Nation
I missed the first 20 minutes or so of Obama's speech last night so I'll have to catch it on YouTube. However, what I heard was inspiring. I understand many thought he was going to solely focus on the state of the economy. And yes I did think the speech veered off on many topics - but I did think it was meant to be a "rah rah we can do it (si se puede!)" inspirational speech for America.
But Jesus, don't we need that? So much of this economic crisis is psychological. People are frozen in their spending. Banks are frozen with their credit. Unless they're using bailout money to throw lavish parties for their employees. Vomit.
And yes I wonder where we are going to get all the monies we need for all the things this administration wants to accomplish. But I was inspired. I wanted to hope again. I want to believe America can pull itself out of this mess, this sinking morass of depression. I do feel it's a depression in many ways.
Is it so terrible that I wept when Obama talked about education? Not because he wanted to pay teachers more, but because he told America - we CANNOT have high school dropouts. We cannot succeed and compete as a nation with a population that either drops out of high school or even tries to compete in a global marketplace with ONLY a high school diploma. It's going to take more than that. Yet I see every day I work - hundreds of kids who are no doubt going to drop out of high school. I see the reality but want to hope. It's a strange dichotomy. I don't know how to get through to these kids. Obama was spot on when he said regarding dropping out of high school "You're not only quitting on yourself, you're quitting on your country." Sadly so many Hispanics I see still feel major ties to Mexico and I don't know if they feel tied enough to this country to feel any real sentiment at all. If you're here, you're here. You're American. Knowledge is not only power, it is the key to better jobs, better skills, better training, better careers.
I also wept when he talked about health care. You all know this is about as close to my heart as it can get. I don't even know if or what he can change with this fucking mess we have now. But once you've been sick, and you know you're basically uninsurable now, and you know what's it like not to be able to work, you realize the massive importance of health insurance. Every day I thank God I have it. And I still pay a fortune for drugs and medical costs. But I am still one of the lucky ones.
I have never prayed for a President before. But I will pray for this man and this administration and even his naysayers. Because God knows it can't hurt. And that's how much I believe in him. Lest you think I am some kind of Obama-groupie, please know that I know he's only human, and I do disagree with him on several issues, I don't think he's perfect and I don't think he'll be able to accomplish everything he sets out to. What President has? But he gives me a tiny bit of hope.
The audacity of hope, indeed.
"Sadly so many Hispanics I see still feel major ties to Mexico and I don't know if they feel tied enough to this country to feel any real sentiment at all."
I talked to my boss about this. He has lived in Mexico extensively and told me that children there are taught to think that the Gadsden Purchase states (and SoCal by extension) are still part of Mexico, hence no need to learn English once they're here or become involved in anything other than the Hispanic community. Nice, huh?
Otherwise, i hear ya Sistah!
Unreal. I hate to say but to the victors go the spoils, no matter how they're won. We took CA away from them - but rest assured, baby by baby, they're taking it back. Let them have it. It's going third world so fast they'll be sorry they didn't learn English.
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