It's All Good
Isn't it? I mean, as long as we're all still alive
and healthy and kicking and breathing? Yes my
dear fans and fiends, ha!, kidding. I mean my dear
friends, all 2 or 3 of you ; )....I have my head on
straight again. I went a bit over the bend on the weekend
but I've reeled myself back in. No test is worth the
#1 thing to me, and that's my health, which is currently
in the toilet. I've been sleeping poorly, dreaming of
babies made out of vegetables (only Eek will truly, truly
understand this), eating sporadically and not well,
not taking my vitamins and haven't done a yoga pose
in weeks. So...I'm tired beyond description and in lots
o' pain. Bad, bad, me. So I'm listening to my body now,
and letting it do what it needs to do, whether that be sleep,
eat or what. My body wanted orange juice today, which to me,
was my body screaming, "For God's sake woman, eat something
that has some nutritional value!" I must ignore my body when
it wants to go buy more manuka honey though - that stuff is
loco expensive, and I've taken a real liking to it now. Addictive!
My tutor came today - he's only coming one more time.
He's so optimistic, I find him funny. I think he thinks I may
pass this test, and who knows - maybe I will! I'll study the best
I can, and I will let it go. I've got a LOT to do at the end of this week
and beginning of next week for the shows, and that has to take
precedence. Here's how I'm letting go - I'm not sure I spelled
that word right - precedence - but I'm not even going to use
spell-check or the dictionary. Let a word sit there spelled wrong.
And the world will still spin on its axis, which is, I might add,
tilted 23 degrees to the perpendicular, which is why we have
seasons! Isn't it lovely? Now due to the Coriolis effect, the winds
blow right in the Northern Hemisphere, where I live, under a high
pressure system, and they blow left in the Southern Hemisphere,
where SK and Sue C live (and a few others!), under a low pressure system.
So next time you're enjoying the fall colours on the trees,
or wondering how long this bloody summer heat will last,
or freezing your little tush off in the snow, remember, it's all
due to 23 degrees, and naturally it all depends on where you
live as to what season we're in. I still think people in Australia
live backwards, season-wise. Have they always thought
that about us? Hee. Which is why I find it fascinating that SK blogs about his
freezing kitchen, whilst I blast the A/C with the 100 degree
temperatures here. See, I've learned some science. Just don't
get me started on isotopes.
So I turn on CNN today and I hear India's shootin'
missiles off. INDIA? I can't keep up. I thought it was North
Korea that was shooting wayward (thank God) missiles off
right and left and right. The Sea of Japan thanks you, Kim
Jong Il-Fucking Maniac, for polluting it with your impotent
missiles. And yet thank god they don't have the technology.
So what in Pete's sake is India doing? What is it, National Shoot
Off Your Missile Month? Can't these guys go back to jerking
off the old-fashioned way? (all pardons to my more sensitive
Seriousy, it's kind of scary when the US sends a missile destroyer
for permanent deployment to Japan. We laugh...until we don't.
Or as my mom said, "Life goes on...until Kim Il-Jong decides it
doesn't." And China! Well, they're going nuclear too - you know, running
out of fuel and all that. So we must enjoy each moment, I suppose
because we do not know what the future will bring. It is becoming
an exceedingly frightening time to be alive. Who the hell decided
to split that first atom in the first place? Ugh!
I also apologize to my humble readers for the amount of times
I used the "F" word in my last blog. No, not Marty's 'f' word - that
would be 'fun' and I'm wasn't having too much of that. The
shall we say, traditional 'f' word. Joycie and my own mum aren't
even reading my blog, but a girl shouldn't end up sounding like
she's in a Quentin Tarantino film.
And now....the most important news for last.
Keith Richards has announced he's ready to tour.
Did anyone ever doubt it for a minute? My grandma and
Keith Richards: two immortal human beings.
At least my grandma isn't climbing trees.
Only a bit over a week until....THE CHURCH!!!!!
Photo: The boys of summer (well, our summer)
1 comment:
D, glad you're feeling better. you sound a lot more optimistic today (or was it yesterday). i think that alone might get you thru the tests!
*sends powerful thoughts to you*
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