Beyond Cranky
I am in such a bad mood right now; words cannot convey it. A lot of it STILL has to do with my PMS. Ever since I started taking this Yaz birth control it seems my PMS is better but NOT THIS MONTH! I want heads on a stick! I want to kill! I want to scream! I can't really pinpoint exactly what's wrong so that's why I think it's hormonal.
Big plans for the weekend. My cousin and I are supposed to go visit my grandpa tomorrow. He is in a convalescent home; I feel really badly for him. He is 95 going on 96 years old and basically just sitting and waiting to die. Is there anything worse?
Sunday I am helping Jill with her garage sale. She is selling almost all her grandma's stuff. FUN TIMES AHEAD!
I've done nothing with my week. Even my iPhone isn't doing it for me anymore. THAT was fast, huh? No wonder kids need new toys about every three seconds. Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck!
sounds hormonal. sorry you're feeling so down, but today's word verif should cheer you up:
Don't suppose you can do something like throw pillows against the wall?
Part of me is glad none of my grandparents are alive. I don't think i could deal with going to an old persons' home to visit them. Good luck.
Maybe you should get a Kindle. They're only $350. Think of all the money you could save on books. Ha ha.
The sad part is, eventually I might actually want one.
I think yelling "Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" has about the same tension relief factor as throwing pillows, without the potential damage.
Speaking of damage, Bruce blew my candle out last night (I had one lit in the bathroom) and blew wax all over the wall. The ensuing "Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" followed. I just had to laugh.
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