Monday, April 27, 2009

Concerned, But Not Alarmed

When the President starts parsing adjectives over a possible flu epidemic/pandemic I start to wonder....

Anyway, the bad, sad, mad, crazy news is that I am NOT in Palm Springs and won't be going this week. All things were just not working in our favor. My foot hurts more today - a lot of walking was out. The weather is too cool - not cooperating at all. No pool. Other problems involved a head cold, an infected eye and PMS. I will take responsibility for the foot and the PMS. Haha. So we've postponed the trip. The good news is I'm not working today, nor tomorrow, as I hardly ever, ever work on Tuesdays. The obvious news is I turn 42 today and how do I feel about this? Bleh. Blah. Blah blah blippity blah.

If it was up to my mom, I'd never go back to work, because she has surpassed both concerned and alarmed and has gone into mild hysteria over the flu. She tends to work herself up pretty easily about these things.

So I wake up early this morning and my fridge gives me an early morning b-day gift. It starts making a crackling noise; then I smell something burning. It only took two hours for the dimwits in maintenance to get to my apartment and look at it. Turns out there were about 2,000 dust bunnies under and behind the fridge; they vacuumed it out (yes I'm a lousy housekeeper for not moving the fridge for months and months) and looked it over and declared that dust/dirt/whatever probably got near something hot. There is no more burning smell but the damn thing has been clicking all morning. I ASKED dimwit maintenance man why it was clicking but did he know? Hell no! He just said if the temperature changed to call them. Hell, I see a new fridge in my future. The freezer seems less freezing than it should. They'll be back - no doubt in a few days. If I call them again now, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get them back here by Wednesday.

So happy birthday to me! Being an adult sucks! I want to be a kid again when all I had to do was look forward to my awesome cake and gifts! And pin the tail on the Democrat! I mean, donkey.
My sweet mom is actually making me a cake; that's pretty cool of her. Not that I need cake. I've lost weight and want to keep losing but hey, a person has to have some cake on his/her b-day, right?

Thomas, your quips and quotes and prose and poems have been cracking me up on Facebook. You're quite the wit lately.

S, I haven't commented yet on today's blog, but I love the title. SNAP! Bad mood for no reason! That should be my middle name. I'm actually thinking of changing my middle name to 'misanthrope.' Or just 'bitch.' Also, chronic pain is, as you know, just infamous for creating bad moods and they ARE there for a reason: you are in PAIN! In a way, after 15 years I have to be used to it, but then again, I'm not. I think I've got some crazy ass hope stuck in my head that one morning I'll just wake up FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll let you forks know if/when this happens. In the meantime, I continue to feel bad S, that you are suffering, and I want the chiro to speed things up for you! (And yes Sandy, forks = food = something I think about too often.)

The cats have no idea how close they came to going into the brink today. They're just lying on the bed, snoozing away, oblivious as usual. My goal is to find a pet sitter before the postponed trip so I won't have to put them in isolation in cold, dark, dank cells! It's like GITMO FOR CATS! They don't even get a prayer mat.

Well I haven't been on Facebook in about 27 seconds, so time to check for updates. The iPhone cometh sometime this week - THAT insanity is still ON!


veleska1970 said...

awww....sorry you didn't make it to palm springs. but happy birthday, anyway.

Thomas Irvin said...

Happy belated birthday. I believe that's about the fifteenth time I've said that to you over the years, but I like to think that you know that my affection isn't bound by the confines of the calendar. Or...something like that.

Now geography, that's a very real constraint. Please know that if I were anywhere close to your neighborhood, I'd massage your feet, bring you cake, send a heat wave to Palm Springs, cure your head cold, cure your PMS, wipe out your infected eye, and yes, even cat-sit. (Or was it massage your cat, cure your cake, sit on your feet, wipe out Palm Springs, send a heat wave to your PMS, eye your infected cure, and bring your cold head? I never can remember...)

General Catz said...

OK, you're a mess right now. But you know it will clear up. Like zits. But how did you get an eye infection?

As for fridges, i didn't know you were supposed to pull them out and clean. Uh oh. I've been here 10 years and the fridge is from the 60s. And it's huge and heavy and frankly i'm afraid that if we move it, Dave and i will have to go to ER for broken backs. A new fridge is minimum $400. Oh well.

Sorry your birthday was less than stellar, but they tend to get less exciting the older you get. I think expectations run pretty high.