No Life
Ok ok I know I signed on for this 'fast track' credential program. I KNOW THIS. But I'm starting to really resent having NO LIFE. I'm cranky and depressed and angry and I keep telling myself it'll all be worth it in June. Right.
I realised one problem with this program today. It's going so fast I'm having trouble processing all the information we're supposed to learn and know to become great teachers. The problem is, the time has gotten condensed, but the amount of material/lessons/classes is the same. So it's going so fast I barely have time to digest it. I suppose I'll get better as a teacher on the job, haha.
I did see a movie last night, Prestige. It was good, but as the semester has progressed and we're getting more and more work I noticed my attention span is all over the place. I had a hard time NOT thinking about school work during the movie. It was VERY annoying. I just wanted two freakin' hours of escape. Next time I'm trying vodka.
It's only going to get worse in the next month. I keep telling myself...on December 13th I'm free for 5 weeks. Free. Free. Free. To sleep as much as I want to and need to. To read - for pleasure. To watch as much TV as I want and as many movies as I want. To actually see friends, talk to friends and email friends.
I'm pretty happy even with the fibro I've been keeping up with my cohort, even the healthy 25 year olds. This weekend was hard though; I slept a lot. I seem to make up a lot of sleep on the weekends as I don't get much during the week. I've had a lot of pain too. Par for the course, right?
Nothing new or exciting in this blog, just me bitching about missing my freedom. Once I have the credential I'll always have it - if I keep it current, right? Right. It'll be worth it in June. I just keep telling myself that. Somebody pass the Kool-Aid.
hey~~hang in there. i know easier said that done, but if you can just get past this hurdle.....
get as much rest as you can, though, no matter where you have to squeeze it in.
love ya
How long would it have taken if you didn't go with this program? And are there other benefits to being in this program instead of the regular one? (I know you probably noted them before, but I'm lazy and don't want to go back and find where it is. :) )
No kool-aid. We don't need a Queenie-type massacre.
I was telling my mom about your situation and realized it sounded much more horrible as i spoke it as opposed to reading it on here. Her eyes got real big.
I could say my 100th "take-care-of-yourself" but i think we're past that. Just find some enjoyment where you can. xxoxo
I'm sure it will be worth it. Keep faith in yourself and hang in there.
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