This Was Going to be a Beautiful Article on the First Day of Autumn But Now it's a Quiz Because Netscape Ate My Blog (see previous blog) So Now I'm Giving You This Instead
What song makes you cry?: “All I Know” by the Church, “Fix You” by Coldplay, “I Hope You Dance” by Leeanne Womack
What do you like to listen to before bed?: The wind, the rain, my cats purring, Steve Kilbey’s voice, Alan Rickman’s voice, Peter O’ Toole’s voice, Clive Owen telling me I’m the love of his life and the best sex he ever had (I listen to that inside my head)…silence
a p p e a r a n c e
HEIGHT: 5'9"
HAIR COLOR: brown with blond highlights
PIERCINGS: 2 (one in each ear)
TATTOOS: None, thank God because you aren’t allowed to show any as a teacher (stupid but true). For myself, I’m not big on tattoos anyway. Can’t commit.
UNDERPANTS YOU'RE WEARING: white, cotton, boring
WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: A Design For Life – Manic Street Preachers
WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: Gorgeous, blue skies and hot, dry, windy air. The Santa Anas have arrived, thank you.
d o - y o u
GET MOTION SICKNESS?: Yes, while reading in cars and on some flimsy boats
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: Try about a hundred or so
GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: My dad yes (although he’s dead now so it's super easy to get along with him) and my mom – well, we fight but we love each other like mad
f a v o r i t e s
TV SHOW: Nip/Tuck, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, House, BBC Mysteries
MAGAZINE: Vanity Fair, Time, Newsweek, Details, Esquire, GQ, Psychology Today, More, Oprah, Archeology Today, The New Yorker – sorry you asked? It goes on….I am addicted to magazines. I have a rare magazine gene.
THINGS TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: Sleep! Go to the movies late at night. Watch videos. Go to a book store and spend endless hours looking at books. Read magazines. Eat out. Stay up late. Now, anything but homework.
RUN AWAY FROM HOME: Yes, when I was 16. It lasted about a day.
MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL: God yes! When I was a kid that was THE thing to do. It was grand fun.
USED YOUR PARENTS' CREDIT CARD: Yes -only when allowed to.
FALLEN ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: No. It would scare me to fall asleep in the shower. I think that’s called passing out.
do you l o v e
CHILDREN: More than I ever thought I did and yes, as long as they're old enough to communicate with. I especially love kids in kindergarten and first grade. Smartest people on the face of the earth. Really, they've been my best teachers in life. However, I don’t think I was meant to have my own children. I want to help children become the best damned people they can in this great, wonderful, crazy mad, sad world.
BEEN IN LOVE?: Sadly I don’t think I really have. I love people and animals and things like songs and movies like crazy though. I feel like I’m in love with those things.
r a n d o m
YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW: Rob Dickinson, Fresh Wine For the Horses
WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET: Don’t know. Whatever strikes my fancy. Probably a soundtrack.
LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: About three days ago. Man, that’s a record for me. I cry a lot. I'm one of those highly sensitive types and if you don't like it, well fuck you!
Have you ever puked at a bar or club?: God no. Never have been a big drinker.
Have you ever dated someone you met online?: Yes, I’ve gone out with some people – but nothing huge has ever developed. Although my brother got married to someone he met online so I don’t think it’s a big deal. I would prefer to meet men the old-fashioned way: at a barn dance.
Have you ever smoked pot at a concert?: Yes. Actually in the parking lot at the Greek Theatre.
Have you ever dated/fooled around with a coworker?: In the places I’ve worked? No.
Ever been involved in a hit & run?: No, thank God.
Have you ever been on a blind date?: Yes. They suck. Dating sucks.
Are looks important?: Naturally. It’s biology.
Do you have any friends that you've known for 15 years or more?: Yes. I’ve known my best friend for 32 years.
By what age would you like to be married?: Before I’m dead would be nice. Obviously marriage hasn’t been a huge priority for me but I’d like to try it once.
Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?: Only if it was an obscene Paris Hilton-type amount. Also, I think it’s best to sleep with more than one person in your life. Variety IS the spice of life….
Have you ever sacrificed yourself so your friend can get in good with a person of the opposite sex?: Hell no. For some reason, like S, guys always go for whatever girlfriend I’m out with.
Have you ever drank milk that was past the expiration date?: Yes and the horror is still with me. Therapy helps.
Are you a good tipper?: Yes. I was a waitress in grad school; I know how brutal that job can be. However, if you are horrible as a server, I mean, TERRIBLE HORRIBLE THE WORST I HAVE EVER SEEN…I will tip poorly or stiff you to get the message across.
What's the most you have spent for a haircut?: Probably close to $200 for cut and colour
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: No. But once I had a really hot Scottish student when I taught college; I had a crush on him. He was flirtatious but I wanted to keep my job. My friend encouraged me to sleep with him. But she didn't need to work. ; )
Do you know all the words to the first verse of Ice Ice Baby?: No, my brain power is used for more important things.
Have you ever had crispy bangs?: Christ on the Cross, what are those?
What was the worst style of the 80's?: Oh yeah, the hair. BIG. Bon Jovi big.
Have you ever peed in public?: Does kindergarten count? ; )
Photo: Clive Owen, actor. Now this is a fucking MAN.
aren't these fun to do? of course only interesting to you and your friends to read, but still.
loved this one:
FALLEN ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: No. It would scare me to fall asleep in the shower. I think that’s called passing out.
i love these things, too.....gonna have to do it when i get the time.
(time~~~??!?!! what the hell is that?? is it new??? i've never heard of it. hmmm...everybody else must have it but me. i feel sooo left out......**sniffle**)
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