The Greatest Love of All...Is No More
Whitney and Bobby are breaking up.
It's true.
I read it today. Oh the humanity!
Oh man. Just when I thought things were starting to settle down a bit.
I don't know. This really pulls the rug right out from under me.
Whitney and Bobby? I mean, shit, who could have predicted this one???
Crack is wack.
Oh Whitney, you crazy coke fiend
someday you'll want your Bobby beard back.
Photo: Whitney, who's gonna hold the mirror while your snort all that coke?
OH MY FUCKING GOD! No, I'm not being fascetious, I LOVE these two. They are the embodiment of the dirtynastycrazy I'm too frightened to actually live. I need them to be One because I can't be. I will never achieve what they have together and can only experience it vicariously through them.
Kristin...you're starting to scare me, LOL!!!!
Yeah, damn. In all my years, I have never found a man who would love me (ie abuse) like Bobby loves Whitney. This breaks my fucking heart.
thank God. i thought it would never happen. it's about time those two called it qwitz!!! i was tired of seeing them as the poster children for violent co-dependecy.
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