You Gotta Laugh Some of the Time, Or You'll Be Crying All of the Time
Oh my little blog peeps, right about now you're probably
wondering, where oh where has MadameBastet's sanity gone?
She's really gone off the deep end o' the tepid pool this time.
Ranting and raving about doctors and her country...even ranting
on Steve Kilbey's blog! Ah, I gotta apologise, life got the better of
me for a bit earlier today. At the end of the day, I stepped in gum,
and started laughing hysterically. It was just so fitting.
You see, I'm going back to school for the second time after
high school. This is hard for me. I was all nestled in my comfort
zone, teaching art history to petulant, rude college students, but
I couldn't get a full-time job and I couldn't take not knowing
whether I'd have one class or three from semester to semester
anymore. But because I love teaching and believe strongly in
education and the need for good, dedicated teachers, I decided
to go and get my credential. I just never imagined in a million
years all the hoops I'd have to jump through - just to be accepted
into a credential program! I haven't even started it yet. Take this
test. Take those tests. Take these classes, but not before taking those
classes. Take this test after that class. And if you don't read Mr.
Kilbey's blog (shame on you) I found out today that I'm going to
have to be fingerprinted AGAIN just to become a substitute
teacher. This will be the third time I've done this. And they make
you pay for the application to get fingerprinted, they make you pay
to get fingerprinted...pay pay pay. I'm really not independently
wealthy. My trip to Chicago has been generously financed by a grant
from the Mom Foundation...because I think she knows this is
important to me, and she knows I need a break before starting the
Grind. Plus she probably figures it's an early Christmas present too.
REALLY early. ;)
I had a mandatory meeting today at CSUN (the college I will be
attending the next two years, please learn and remember this, haha).
It was OK; I knew I wasn't going to learn anything new, but I went
because I had to. Which reminds me, I need to order my textbooks,
which I can do online! That's pretty cool. The less contact I have with
the public, the happier I am. My but I sound so anti-social! I just
need to remember the kids. The kids. My kids from my school last
semester. I looked at their pictures again and I thought, this is why
I'm doing this. And again with my stubborn personality. Go ahead -
throw more obstacles in my way. Make me jump through hoops!
Start bringing out the clowns, put up the tent. Oh it's a circus all right.
But that just makes me all the more determined to get that credential
if it's the last thing I do!
Sure, I might end up in an insane asylum after all is said and done,
but I'll be ready to teach after a few months in a straightjacket, I'm
sure. I've had desk jobs/office jobs/what have you. I was a music
publicist. I worked at Disney. I can't take it. It's just my personality.
I gotta keep moving. I gotta be interacting with people. Learning and
education are two of my favourite things in the world. And I don't care
how someone educates themselves. Broadening your horizons via
reading, travel, school, what have you. It's all good. I think things will
settle down once I start school. I admit it, I'm scared. I'm back at the
same school, ten years later, but I think I'm more scared now than
when I was there to get a Master's Degree.
So anyway, Zoe is having her surgery tomorrow. ALL FOOD has
been put away. I made sure the cats stuffed themselves silly before
8pm tonight. I have my second appointment tomorrow with my
pain therapist. I'm actually looking forward to it. It's not like the
usual therapy I've had. It's all about dealing with my physical
pain and the impact it's had on my life, and is still having on my
The heat has abated a lot here, but my God, those poor souls
in the east. I can't believe the Church decided to tour America
during the summer. Well, it's not their fault it's the Summer from
Hell. But Steve is sure cranky. I spoke with my brother today;
he's going to the show in Atlanta. We were just praying Steve would
make it through - selfishly, at least to Chicago, haha. I'm so looking
forward to meeting the girls - the LADIES - and hanging out. I am
NOT looking forward to the plane ride. I know myself. The minute
that plane takes off I will be saying "Shit! Why did I do this! I don't
want to die for this!" Haha. No, it'll be OK. I go through it. I survive.
I have just finished watching Season 1 of Entourage. Holy cow
I love that show. After having worked in the entertainment
industry, so much of the show is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.
Someone called it a "Sex and the City" for men.
Uh oh, there we go again. Must be my testosterone acting up. I
can't help myself. And I'm not even doping!
Haven't paid much attention to the news. I figure
the war's gonna go on without me. I was too wrapped
up in my own little dramas today. Well, I wish this
was more exciting. I guess all that energy I blew
earlier has tired me out.
BTW, I didn't have it out with the doctor's office.
I left them an explicit message to call me back.
I decided it wasn't worth the energy it would
cost me to deal with these morons. And they never
did call me back. Can you believe it? I fired off one
of my hot missives to them, sent them 1/4th of
the bill. I told them it took them 5 months to
bill me and so I'll pay them in installments over
a 5 month period. Sent it certified mail. I'm not
worrying about it. I still hate doctors for the most
part though. I have a fairly decent general practioner
that does my blood work to check my liver and
kidneys because of the medication I'm on. But
even he is a pain half the time.
I'll be hanging out at my mom's tomorrow
while my precious angel has her teeth extracted.
I've got to get my sister-in-law a birthday gift.
Her birthday is Monday. I used to be so on top
of things. I was never late with gifts. Now I feel
like a flake, a slacker. I've moved from a Type A
personality to a Type A- personality, haha.
Ok. I rented a documentary on the movie Deep
Throat. Don't ask me why. But I'd better go watch
it before the Blockbuster goons come out and take
me away in the night.
Is everyone else as tired of hearing about Mel
Gibson as I am? Damn, the man gets drunk one
night and spouts his big ugly mouth off and we hear
about it for days. Which reminds me. When I was a
senior in college -- this was about 1989 or so...I left
class one day and was filling my tank up with gas at
the 76 station in Malibu (I'm sure you can figure out
where I went to school if you haven't from previous blogs
already.) Anyway, I'm standing there, totally spacing out,
waiting for my tank to fill, when this black Mercedes
pulls up. Out of the car steps this gorgeous guy. He starts
to pump his gas. We look at each other. He has the most
amazing blue eyes. He's stunning. I realise it's Mel Gibson.
I don't know if he could tell I'd just realised that, but he
smiled at me. I think I half-smiled back - what a dork
I was. And to think...all these years later, he's still hanging
around the same restauraunt in Malibu, drunk and spewing
hatred in a drunken rage. Aside from his anti-Semitic rant,
is anyone else the least bit concerned that he could've
killed someone driving at night on PCH drunk? Hell, driving
stone cold sober on PCH in the daylight can be dangerous
enough. Ah, how times change....
Photo: Corbis Royalty - Pacific Coast Highway - Scene O' Many Crimes
Ha! You wrote the same thing i did in a previous blog about driving PCH. What a freaking death trap that highway is, especially at night in the fog (driving home from a Church gig yet!). I never saw fog a in England rival the ones i saw in LA. Damn!!!
Steve's allowed to rant, you're allowed to rant, even i ranted today (but in an even way). What else you gonna do in a blog?
My friend in nyc went thru her credential program for teaching but never said anything resembling what you're going through. Is it a CA thing?
That's the one weird thing about LA, seeing celebs doing "normal business". Used to happen to me, too. And sometimes you do have to wonder for a minute who it is, since they're not in their "habitat", i.e., films, tv, etc. It's weird, like being stopped at a red light next to Eddie Van Halen or having Buck Henry eating lunch at the table next to you (and getting a great big smile from him.... awww, i love that guy, love his work). I could go on and on, especially since i worked on the UC lot. You know, Steve Martin really walks like that in real life?
By the way, this is from one of your LADIES! I had to laugh. No one's ever called me a lady before. I dress like a boy. Well, i used to. Now i dress like a fat boy! But i'll try and look presentable in Chi.
Just wanted to let you know your comments on SKs blog lately have been hilarious. I pretty much skip most of the others these days but scan down to read yours. I hope Steve gets a laugh as well, it sounds like he needs it.
I trust everything went well yesterday with Zoe the Cat.
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