more bombs, more artillery, more airstrikes
more blood, more screaming, more dead
more children gone, more wooden coffins
lying in shallow graves.
It is probably considered anti-Semitic of me
to say this. But I will say it. Fuck Israel. I am no supporter
of terrorist organisations like Hezbollah. But Israel's
reaction to the kidnapping of two soldiers and its
long-festering obsession with terrorism is taking
an entire country down. Innocent civilians. Children.
Crying parents. Terrified tourists. The lovely city of
Beirut, having seen such horrific bloodshed in the past,
is brought back to the nightmare.
I will not support Israel as they are the biggest terrorists
of all now.
For years I thought the Palestinians were all nuts. And then
I understood their story.
The Jews have bloodied their hands too much this time.
The Israelis are bringing down and entire house full of
innocents to get to some cockroaches.
And two top news stories are....
Bush said the word "shit" while
talking to Blair. And for some odd reason
he walked into the room full of world
leaders and rubbed the shoulders of the
German Chancellor.
This might be the only evidence on file
that he is actually somewhat human.
But other than that?
Special religious forces wear gloves
to pick up pieces of bodies blown apart
in train stations and suburbs so that
the entire body can be buried together
as religious custom dictates.
What if they're all not there?
What happens if you look and look
and still, you are missing a hand? A foot?
A finger? What then?
The absurdity of the world is becoming
more crushing and mind numbing to me;
just when I thought I could not be more
I am.
Photo Credit: CNN - Israeli tanks line up at the border of Lebanon for possible full-scale ground invasion.
sorry, but i can understand the jews' position. after many thousands of years of being murdered, chased out, and all that other fun stuff, they've just had enough. and who wouldn't?
how quickly everyone forgets the holocaust. 6 million jews murdered. nothing can compare to that. no one let jewish refugess into their country during WW2, including the US. and i won't even mention the pogroms of the 19th and early 20th centuries. and don't get me started on Stalin. He wiped out half my family. the ones that did make it out did so on foot, with just what they could carry. they were "invited to leave". ya, right.
how many thousands of years do you take this crap til you stand up and say "no more"?
on a personal note, i think it was a hideous mistake to take palestinean land and just give it away. maybe the US should have just given them a non-populous state, say North Dakota, as a homeland. Oh ya, we wouldn't take them in. Forgot.
Yeah, I think that last paragraph is why I'm really angry. I know the Jews have been decimated throughout history - maybe I should be ranting against the UN and US and whoever else decided to take the land away from the Palestinians. I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING the other day! I thought, geez, there's a LOT of empty space in some states in the US. They couldn't have found a home for both these people? But they both seem to want the same land. Ah screw it. Why didn't ANYONE want to take in the Jewish people after WWII? America takes in every refugee in the world now it seems.
I truly am sorry to hear about your family. : ( And I haven't forgotten the Holocaust. Have you ever seen a documentary called Paperclips? I think that's what it's called. Anyway, this teacher in Kentucky wanted to really drive home to her students just how many people in all died during the Holocaust. She counted the 6 millions Jews, PLUS the 5 millions others who were slaughtered (I kinda wish people would remember them too). Anyway, her class managed to get hold of an old train that deported people to the camps, and they collected over 20 million paperclips. Inside the train car, they made a little 'memorial'/museum to honour those lost. 11 million different types of paperclips are housed there behind plexiglass. It's overwhelming. I now have a paperclip with a little bow on it on my key ring to remind me of what happened.
It's a beautiful, heart-breaking documentary.
Bloody hell, I just did an Sk - typed out a big comment and lost it when I momentarily went elsewhere :(
Always was a big supporter of the Jews after the many atrocities against them, read Leon Uris' books, the movie "Voyage of the Damned" really affected me a lot, but I also have huge sympathy for innocent Palestinians. Someone has to be adult but you know its sadly never gonna happen.
Catz, yes Stalin. Everyone forgets the Russians! My mums Estonian friend used to physically quiver if anyone ever mentioned Russians near her.
Oh my, i usually avoid political discussions like the plague for fear of ranting, but its one of those days.
Too hot to rant Sue. I feel sorry for all innocents involved. : (
D, i didn't forget the others who were murdered... prisoners of war, catholics, people of color, homosexuals... the list goes on and on.
And stalin.... again... when russian POWs were returned to russia after the war, he had many of them killed because they had experienced "the west" and he was afraid they would take their ideas and make trouble. WTF? they were just thrilled to get out of prison and return home. and the 20 million russians he starved to death to force the country to bend to his will. What a fucking freak. Words aren't enough to describe that guy. Why history doesn't see him as a worse monster than hitler i'll never understand.
how much of the world's population was killed in and as a result of that war? and to think we seem so keen to just jump into WWIII right now. mankind is truly mad.
p.s. sorry i didn't come back to msn, i slept for 5 hours! now i'll be up all night GRRRRRR!
I have to agree with Denise about Israel. Their history as victims does not excuse their sins. Not that the Palestinians are any better ~
That whole area is mad.
Hell, the whole world is mad!
I'm going to bed.
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