Thursday, June 01, 2006


10 Things I Hate About Life:

1) Perfectly-abled people who take handicapped parking spaces.
I hope Karma gets their license plate numbers.

2)Rudeness. There are very few reasons we should be rude to each other on this planet.

3) People who hurt/kill/harm in any way small, defenseless animals. My blood boils. My eyes tear up. I become enraged. I saw a story about some boys who beat some ducklings to death with a stick, all the while, laughing. I hope there is a special place in Hell for sick bastards like this.

4)People who speed and tailgate on the freeway, then dart in and out of traffic at 120 mph and never get caught. They are the ones who will cause someone else to get killed. If I ever see one of these idiots wrapped around a pole, don't expect me to call 911.

5)Naturally, the Evil Triumvirate, with which I have become oddly obsessed lately, seeing as how I was never very political. However, when I heard the Constitution being put through the shredder, I woke up.

6)America's total disregard for education in any form. I live in a country that embraces, and celebrates, mediocrity and stupidity. As an educator, this saddens me beyond words.

7)Laziness. Slothfulness? Sloth-like behaviour. People who will circle a parking lot 100 times to get a spot close to the doors of the Wal-Mart. You know, a little walking won't kill you America!

8)Extremism and fundamentalism in any way, shape or form. And it comes it all sizes, shapes and colours too. European arrogance and anti-Western hatred falls under this umbrella of generalism. Not all Americans are lazy, stupid, Bush-loving racist pigs who have no respect for human life and dignity. I'm talking to you Frenchies.

9)Brangelina and their supid Shiloh-Messiah baby. Ok, so the baby can't help being born. But for the love of Christ on the Cross, will someone please STOP THE MEDIA FROM REPORTING ON THESE PEOPLE!

10) Sports obsession. Actually, all sports. I admit it. I pretty much hate all sports. Except a really, really good hockey game. And by that I mean, lots of fights! LOL! Seriously, what is it with the sports??

Tomorrow, 10 Things I Love About Life.
I'm sure you can hardly wait.


daydreamer said...

So true!!!

Especially #9 - bleah!

Centuryhouse said...

Once again you have my agreement on all points.
