It Is Indeed A Wonderful Life
Yesterday my precious little cupcakes 'graduated'
from kindergarten. I have to admit, this is all new to me, this graduation
ceremony business for such young kids. In 1973, they just sent us off for the summer and on to 1st grade.
Now they've got cards for Pre-school graduations, kindergarten ceremonies;
of course they've also got cards for the death of your cat, new jobs, new houses,
divorce, remarriage, new apartments, joining the military...cards for your clergyman, card to wish your loved one well in rehab. I'm not kidding. Hallmark must be raking it in.
Nevertheless, I succumed to consumerism, and searched out 18 cards specifically stating the word 'kindergarten' and wrote an individual message to each of my ducklings; no doubt their parents will have to read it to them as it's currently a bit beyond their reading capabilities, haha. I filled coloured bags with 'magic' bubbles and candy and stickers and fun coloured pencils and erasers and all sorts of things that send 5 and 6 year olds over the moon.
The day was very emotional for me; it's been an amazing, glorious, eye-opening
experience working with and getting to know these little souls. They all brought their dad's white shirts, which we used as their gowns, and the teachers made the caps. They looked as perfect as any graduating class I've ever seen.
I brought my camera and pretty much took pictures throughout the day. We helped them get dressed, put their caps on and never a more precious sight have I seen. I couldn't have been prouder if they were my own children!!
There were three or four afternoon kindergarten classes graduating and they walked into the auditorium to "Pomp and Circumstance" and damn if I didn't feel the tears start to well up. The place was filled with beaming parents, restless siblings, smiling grandmas and grandpas. The kids had practiced several songs, which they sang perfectly...showing off their wondrous new abilities...counting the ABC's, counting by ones and twos and fives and tens...singing America The Beautiful while doing it in sign language as well.
This was probably the best graduation I've ever been to, because there was no speaker, no BS about setting the world on fire, or how horrible it's all going to be. I mean, what are you going to say to a kid going into 1st grade? After the kids finished singing, they walked off stage and shook the hands of the principal and vice principal and I took pictures as fast as I could.
I'd already taken pictures of them in class while they were getting dressed...everyone loved mugging for the camera.
Once everyone came back into the class, Marla handed them their 'diploma' which was a green certificate of accomplishment and the parents and families wandered in for pictures, cake and punch. It's funny, somehow they saw all my bags on the shelf with their names on them and just started taking them once they saw their names...not even knowing who they were from or what they were! Ah, kids. They just saw colourful pressies and so I grabbed them and started handing them out.
I hugged each child and told them I how proud I was of them, and how much fun I'd had with them, and how much I'd miss them. The only down side was Isabella. Poor sweet dear. I guess her parents came to the ceremony, but had to go back to work or something...so she was the only kid in the class without family, and she was wandering around looking for them...I found her and she was crying. Oh my little chick-a-dee! I whispered to her, "Bella, I know I'm not your mommy or daddy but I want to tell you that you are one of my favourite little girls in the whole world and I will stay with you." Once she saw her bag of goodies, she perked up.
So everyone had cake and punch and took lots of pictures and even though I will see them one last day Friday, today really seemed like the end. A couple of times I had to really hold it together - during the ceremony and in class. I never, ever dreamt I'd become so attached to these sweet little beings. I'm the last person in the world who thought I'd connect so well with children.
So thank you my sweet ducklings, for helping me find my bliss. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, open, creative souls. I can't help but wonder...what will they be like in 5 years? Ten? They will still be so, so young. I know I'll always wonder what happened to them...it's just the way I am.
I don't know what we're doing Friday. That will truly be my final goodbye. And off they go into the blissful summer....I know how blessed I was to do my field experience in this school. Let's face it - it was easy. Every child spoke English, so there were no immersion issues. There's money galore there - they've got everything they could want and need for the students. I know all schools are not created equal. I know this school is not representative of the majority of schools. This was easy. But I am ready for whatever challenges lie ahead of me.
18 little people showed me that I am capable and I am good at this. They need me, and more importantly, I need them. No, I do not look forward to the crap - the low salary, the bureaucracy, the corrupt unions - all things I had to deal with teaching college. But I finally know what I was meant to do. Jesus, it took long enough.
So congratulations class of '06! May you live long and be happy, healthy and always keep a little of the six year old inside you.
The picture, BTW, is Griffin, in class before the ceremony, being his usual crazy self. I adore him beyond words. He's a sweet, kind, gentle, energetic boy. And he loves the camera.
that's the greatest story! i'm glad you found out what you really want to do. that's a tough nut to crack.
although... i must say when i first saw the picture of Griffin, i wondered "why are these kids dressed as Klansmen?"
Sorry! lol
Oh my gosh, you gave me the biggest laugh with the Klansmen comment! LOL! Man, I needed it. today has been THE DAY FROM HELL. But going back and looking at that picture, I can see what you mean. And Griffin is kind of making a little devilish sign! ;)
I'm still laughing...although the idea of it is horrible...LOL!
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