Friday, April 30, 2010


I love that song by Bowie.
It pretty much describes my life lately.
Good news -
I finished writing my unit plan for English - it's 70 pages long. Who says I can't write a book? Just do that a couple more times and I'm set, haha.
Better news - I saw a new dr. and I don't have a genetic blood disorder. I had a bad first dr. It was most likely the Pill that caused my problems last summer.
I may get off this drug sooner than I thought.
Best news - I only have two more classes and despite the employment situation
I'm pretty damn happy.

In the last two weeks I've heard from two people from my past - both old friends I haven't talked to in a while. One I haven't talked to in 3 years and one I haven't talked to in 18 years. 18 fuckin' years! The stories behind how I lost touch with these people are long and drawn out. I just drifted away from my friend Heather, the one I hadn't heard from in 18 years. Sadly, Gena and I had a bad, bad, messy fight and that ended our friendship. Although I wish her the best in life, I just don't want to go back.
This is courtesy of Facebook!
Didn't write back to Gena. No hard feelings, I'm just intent on moving forward with my life. I don't want to go back. I have nothing left to say. I apologized to her a long time ago and that's that.
I wrote a brief note back to Heather - we were best best best friends in college.
It's really, really strange to hear from someone after almost two decades.
Thanks, Facebook, haha.

Going to Palm Springs in about 3 weeks. May be going to Atlanta to visit my angel niece Ella.

Things are good.
My brother is going to see the Church tomorrow night. I was blah on seeing them and skipped them. Like I said, changes.


Thomas Irvin said...

I think you've transposed your "better news" and your "best news," but you're the ultimate judge. Either way, I'm happy for you.

veleska1970 said...

i'm happy that you don't have a genetic disorder. how could the first doctor miss something so important as that??? and if i remember, i do think there were side effects to that pill.

"I'm just intent on moving forward with my life."
sometimes that is the best thing to do. cut your losses and move on.

enjoy your time in palm springs. and i hope you get to go see ella. i'll bet she has grown two feet since you saw her last. ;)

"Things are good." i'm glad for that. you deserve it and it's been a very long time coming. there's nothing like see the light at the end of that dark tunnel.

did your brother enjoy the concert?