It's Here!
1. 2010 that is. NOT A NEW DECADE. Whatever. I just hope and pray it's a better year, for myself and others who had a shitty 2009.
2. I have a cat who peed inside MY PURSE and who drinks my Crystal Light out of my glass. Should I kill her? ; )
3. Only lost 10 pounds over the last two months. Have to step up my game. Still going to OA, started going to Curves again this week. Along with the entire rest of the world. It's funny, everyone is back at Curves and OA...gotta start those resolutions. Glad I'm just continuing mine.
4. If all goes well, I will start my English methods class on the 20th of this month. I think I can finally register for it next week. Fingers crossed!
5. At the end of next month I find out if I can go off the Coumadin. I'm going to go through all sorts of blood tests I imagine. I also have a feeling I won't be going off it for at least another 6 months. I just hope and pray they don't keep me on it for life.
6. Trying to be more positive this year, no matter what. I just can't stand the negativity trap I'd fallen into in 2009. Yeah, some shit things happened and I'm no Pollyanna, but God, I've got to get my thoughts straightened out.
7. I saw "The Blind Side." A predictable but very sweet, feel-good movie. I want to see Avatar and Up in the Air next. It was nice actually going to the theater; although every time I DO go to the theater I'm reminded why I stay home to watch movies most of the time. People kicking the back of my chair, talking through the movie, etc. Ugh.
8. I have NO WORDS to express how bitter and angry I am about this fucking nightmare of a health bill. I'm very disappointed in Obama and Congress. Can you say bought and sold?
9. Well, I went and did it! I got back online and am possibly meeting a guy for coffee this coming Monday. I really hate this shit, but I've had it with my nun-like existence as well.
10. I'm so excited - one of my favorite TV shows is coming back - SouthLAnd. Fucking NBC aired like 6 episodes in the spring/summer and then kicked it to the curb. It's a GREAT show. Thankfully TNT picked it up; I hope people watch it so it stays on. Stupid Jay Leno takes up 5 nights of NBC's 10pm programming; I've not watched his show but I hear it isn't very good. It's Jay Leno! He's mediocre at best. But they will never pull the plug on him!
11. Yeah it is kind of sad how excited I am about my TV shows coming back. This is what happens when you have no job and your social life is on life support.
1. why is it not a new decade? i hope it's a better year, too.
2. no, don't kill her. just put your purse where she can't get to it and keep your glass close...
3. 10 pounds is good. look at it this way~~you're 10 pounds lighter than you were two months ago. that's progress. :)
4. good luck.
5. good luck with this, too. that was quite the scare last year.
6. we're trying to be positive, too. we all need good things to happen this year.
7. i haven't seen "blind side", but my mom-in-law and sis-in-law went and saw "avatar" and said it was excellent. i'll prolly wait until it's on DVD....i don't go to the movies anymore for the same reasons you mentioned.
8. yes.
9. hey, that's GREAT!!!! you deserve to meet someone nice. have fun and let us know how it went.
10. i don't know why jay leno left the tonight show. he screwed up royally. i haven't seen "southland". i guess i'll have to watch it. the only thing i really watch regularly anymore is "house".
11. well, hopefully your social life will not be on life support no more!! let us know how your coffee date went. :) :) :) :)
1. Its a "cultural" thing. At least that's what I read in the paper this morning.
2. What is it with cats and purses? I had a cat who sprayed my purse. I had to throw it away.
3. You lost 10# in two months? I hate you. Over Christmas I think I gained 10# in two weeks!
4. I'm not sure what English methods is, but good luck.
5. Good luck with your blood tests. I hope you can get off the coumadin. Its such a delicate balance with that stuff. My mom's been on it for close to 20 years and it hasn't been a problem for her, but my Dad tried it for awhile and screwed up his doseage once and started bleeding through his skin. Yech.
6. Me, too. I got so negative there for awhile it was making me sick - literally. I'm about ready to start boycotting the news.
7. We haven't been to the movies in ages. I'd like to see Sherlock Holmes.
8. I can think of a few words, but they're not very nice ~
9. Double good luck!!
10. Can't comment here. I'm so out of it, I haven't even heard of most of the TV shows that are on.
11. What's a social life?
how did the date go?
the health bill ... i am purposely staying away from reading about it till it's stamped and sealed. Then i can get upset.
I am resolving to be more intersting this year!
TV can be a godsend. I am very pleased that there are new eps of House and all the CSIs.
OK girlfriend, you're getting as negligent as me. Get off your butt and post!
today's word: amorre - makes me feel like typing a bunch of little hearts!
yeah, how DID the coffee date go??????????
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