1. Again, no brilliant title. Stop waiting for one!
2. I hate when blogger makes me sign in. Like it doesn't recognize me half the time. Hee.
3. Well, tonight Ted Kennedy died. End of an era and all that. Man, he didn't even get close to making it as long as his mother Rose did. I think she was 104 when she died. Even Eunice was 88. Whatever your political views, Ted was an imposing figure in the Senate.
***Update for Wednesday: One of my favorite writers ever died today: Dominick Dunne. I met him at a book signing. He was a classy guy. Really nice. Very sad.
4. Now that my mom has turned 70, everyone who dies in their 70's...it kind of freaks me out. HER mom lived to be 94. In fact, today is my maternal grandma's birthday. She would be 96. I don't think any of us will make it to 94.
5. I've been feeling a little down lately about all the stuff that's happened to me over the last month. I'm still glad to be alive - but the reality of what happened and how I am living now on this medicine, getting my blood taken every week, etc. is really sinking in.
6. School has started for some people. Not for me. Yet.
7. I'm afraid of the Swine Flu. Or the H1N1 virus to be politically correct. Being at schools I'm always getting sick anyway. It's freaking me out.
8.I've reconnected with an old friend via Facebook. This time it's really nice. We've been emailing each other. I forgot she is a good 10 years younger than I am. Jealous! LOL!
9.Getting my hair coloured tomorrow. No more gray!
10. The family is coming out Thursday. Just counting the minutes until my niece is in my arms!
11. Speaking of which, I went to Toys R Us to get her something today and honestly that place is a frickin' NIGHTMARE. Definitely qualifies as one of Dante's circles of Hell. The screams alone...."shudder"
12. Going to try and post a picture of the most hideous lamp I've ever seen. I went to the doctor with my mom (for her this time, not for me) and this doctor's office was something straight out of the 70's. I mean, he fucking had SHAG carpeting! His furniture was priceless. I whipped out my iPhone and took pictures of all of it. It's too good not to share.
1. i haven't been able to come up with anything earth-shattering, either. :(
4. my dad died when he was 70. and my mom died when she was 66. that freaks me out.
5. sorry you're feeling down.
9. i try to keep mine died as much as i can. my hair is almost white it's so grey.
10. is your niece going to stay long?
11. i hate toys r us. the kids there are like wild banshees.
12. wow~~this doctor hasn't changed his decor since the 70s, has he? i guess that's how you decorate on the cheap~~never change it.
today's word: doglized.
Wish i could see your doctor's office. I love furniture surprises.
I wish you felt better. However, it seems to me that insurance companies do their best to make you feel even worse after a serious hospital stay. Once i was in for an issue -- for nearly 2 weeks -- and they wanted me to pay something like $7000 because the anesthesiologist refused to use the right coding in their billing. I was a wreck, as you can imagine. Here i was, coming off a freaking life-or-death nightmare and they're giving ME shit cos the anesth's office couldn't get their shit together? It took ME 6 months to get these people to where they understood each other and in the end i didn't have to pay. But it really took its toll.
But the point is that you're ill after coming home from whatever hospital; they shouldn't be making you worse. Fucking fucktards fuckheads.
I assume your niece is there now and you're having a great time. Sorry about work; i would assume you'll have plenty of work this year cos the permanent teachers are probably having sick days from being so worried about losing their jobs!
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