1. Fibro pain really, really bad this week. Don't know why. Probably no REASON why. Nothing is helping. I am literally doing nothing today.
2. Please God, let the Michael Jackson shit die down now. He's had two memorial/funeral services. EVERYONE STOP WORSHIPPING THIS SAD DEAD MAN! Move on creeps. Nothing more to see here.
3. I have my first month weigh in at Curves Friday. Great week to have it. I can barely move. I went yesterday and managed to do the whole workout...but the pain the pain! (No Fantasy Island jokes here please)
4. I really detest summer and now we're smack dab in the middle of it. I just thought I'd share that.
5. I bought my mom Bette Midler tickets for her 70th birthday in August. Yes, we're fucking nuts. We're going to Vegas in the middle of August. Apparently we are suckers for cruel, unrelenting heat. I haven't been to Vegas in about 8 years.
6. I have a lot of errands to run but the brakes are on - pain is making me sit around and do NOTHING. Sucks.
7. I have a friend going into well, honestly, rehab tomorrow. I'm a little worried for her. She's basically being forced to do it by her family and it's the kind of rehab where they detox you with drugs. I know she's scared. She um, has a really close, too close, relationship with wine. I've only known my dad to be in rehab; never anyone else.
8. That's about all that's going on here. I'm going to attach a pic of my adorable niece and her dad. It's too cute for words. Ella was really tired when this photo was taken. She has a scary kind of maturity to her as well - sometimes the way she looks - it's like she's an 'old soul.'
1. I'm so sorry. I know I've said this before, but it really steams me how some people still don't take the disease seriously. I hope you feel better soon.
2. I couldn't agree more.
3. I so admire your perseverance. You have motivated me to get back on my exercise program. Thanks for that.
4. You detest summer?!? but... you're on vacation!
5. What a nice thing to do for (with) your mom. It sounds like a lot of fun. Everything is air conditioned there anyway, right?
6. I have days when I sit around and do nothing simply because i feel like shit. I can't imagine what it would be like to actually have pain. Well... I guess I can, from back when I suffered from migraines, or immobilizing cramps (before my hysterectomy). Yeah, pain definitely has a way of knocking you down.
7. Good luck to your friend.
8. Sweet ~ I need to figure out how to attach a picture to my blog.
"the pain the pain! (No Fantasy Island jokes here please)"
-- that was Doctor Smith from Lost in Space, not Fantasy Island! I'm ashamed of you.
I can finally relate some re: pain. When sitting or standing up or sneezing (!) becomes nearly unbearable, well, you tend to become a little more understanding. Fuck it, just stay home and take care of yourself. I personally approve of people becoming slugs. I'm already there.
Rehab sounds scary, but ultimately useless cos it's not her decision, it's her family's. Expect more rehab till it's something SHE wants.
I thought she was referring to "da PLANE da PLANE!" from fantasy island.
1. sorry your fibro is acting up like this. is exercising at curves triggering it?
2. yes, i agree, too. you would think he's the president or something by the way the media is carrying on.
4. i don't mind summer. my thyroid makes me totally unable to tolerate cold, so i really don't mind it.
5. have fun in vegas, despite the heat.
7. i'm sending good vibes your friend's way.
8. awwww.....she's so sweet.
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