Happy Three Year Blog Anniversary Baybee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just looked at my blog and realized I began writing it on March 12, 2006. And this is my 200th blog. Whooooooohooooooooo! 2006 seems like a whole other lifetime. I hadn't even started The Evil Program That Almost Destroyed Me. I hadn't worked at The Evil Elementary School With Spoiled, Psychotic Children. My life was quite different. But I am done with all that crap and so much happier than I was 3 years ago. I'm still mired in exams and looking for a job but I have more hope and a better outlook that I did in 2006, 2007 and 2008.
The wilderness years. I seem to go through a lot of them.
I'm burning CD's and avoiding my linguistics book. I'm so burned out (no pun intended) on studying. Fried brains. I wish it was all over!
I read on SK's blog the Church have cancelled concerts due to 'illness in the band.' That is kind of concerning. I don't know the Church to be the kind of band that often, if ever, cancels concerts. I wonder what's happening. Whatever it is, I hope it isn't too serious.
S and I are talking about seeing the band together. Frankly that'd be awesome but more awesome would just be hanging out with S again! It's been 2 and 1/2 years. Too long!
Ha, now that I've been mired in linguistics I look at every word I type and think it looks funny and wonder how it got to be the way it is. The Great Vowel Shift? The Black Death? You'd be amazed at the things that have shaped the English language. I rather enjoy reading up on linguistics; I just don't enjoy being FORCED to take a test on it.
OMG, I had the worst - I mean the WORST insomnia last night. I even took the full two Tylenol PM and didn't go to sleep until almost 6 am. Why? I don't fucking have a clue. I've been watching my caffeine intake like a hawk. It really is its own form of hell, insomnia. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. Well, there are some people I might wish a few sleepless nights on. Hee.
Happy Anniversary! I'm not far behind you, April 6 or somewheres around there. Who woulda thought we'd ever be blogging our hearts away for all the world to see. All I can say is thank god I hadn't discovered blogging when I was going through my mid-life crisis.
I'm fascinated with linguistics and would love to study it some time. Just so long as I don't get tested later.
Where are you and S going to see Le Church? I'm thinking seriously about Chicago (heads-up in case you want to hook up or avoid me.)
Insomnia sucks. I usually only get it occasionally but I had it three times last week and once this week already. The good part is I got through Pillars of the Earth in three days. Tylenol PM doesn't do shit for me. Plus by the time I realize I have insomnia its too late to take anything anyway. Or risk being a zombie the next day.
happy anniversary!! i think mine is coming up on 3 years, too. i had a blog about a year before that, but i quit it after a few months, and then when i discovered sk's blog, i started keeping one again.
so you and S are thinking of hooking up for the church again, huh? i hope i can tag along. depends on my cash situation, though. and plus, being in school, i don't know how much time i will be able to get off.
hope you get some sleep. you deserve it!!
today's word: daldesi. sounds like something from old english literature.
Mine is August 2005. almost 4 years. Feels like 10.
V, i was just telling Sandy that she should come to LA and we should get you there, too, if school is over and your funds are ok. Sharing hotel rooms is absolutely necessary.
We have a little time to decide. If they're playing in west hollywood then we could probably get a hotel there. But i have no ideas which venues there are now. But I have AAA and AARP and state government rates. should be able to get something good on one of those.
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