Random Shite
1. I finally heard the new U2 song on the radio earlier today and while it's really great to hear Bono's voice, I have to say...I'm quite disappointed in the song. My first instinct is to say I hate it. I don't know. I'll give it a few more chances. We'll see.
2. Obama had to take the oath again! What fuckery! All because that idiotic uber-conservative Chief Justice John Roberts apparently had too big of an ego to actually bring the oath out with him on some index cards or something; I suppose he felt he'd memorized it well enough. Hardly!! He screwed Obama up from the moment he said his name. I think it's priceless Obama voted against him a few years ago. The Supreme Court needs to lose a few of its rabid right wingers...too bad this moron isn't going anywhere soon.
3. Have I mentioned I took 2 of the 4 required CSET English exams for my single subject credential on January 10th? I can't remember if I mentioned this. I took Subtest 1 - Literature and Textual Analysis and Subtest 3: Composition and Rhetoric which involved a great deal of writing with a fair amount of bullshit sprinkled generously throughout my compositions. Honestly? With my mental meltdown in full bloom, I barely studied. I'll get the scores on 2/9. Wouldn't the gods be smiling on me if I passed even ONE of them? There are two other exams - Subtest 2 - Linguistics and the history of the English language (the Great Vowel Shift - a momentous time in history! Love those Normans!!) and Subtest 4: Communications - Speech, Media and Creative Performance. Lots of academic hoo ha I haven't bothered to look at.
This is not an easy credential to get; especially when one has not had any kind of an English class in 20 years. Good thing I love reading and am a superior writer, and an excellent bullshitter.
4. Speaking of meltdowns, going into town tomorrow to see the shrink - the one that actually passes out the pills. Going to demand a change in the regime. Methinks the brain desperately needs it. I'm still waiting for some pharmaceutical company to create an AD that works, doesn't kill your libido and make you fat as a cow in the process. I know, I know. Keep dreaming.
5. People who read my blog and never comment? You bug me when you do that. Just sayin'. You know who you are!
6. A lovely young man came over today at the crack o' dawn from the Geek Squad. Poor guy; it took him two hours to get my iTunes and Quicktime working. He ended up telling me what I already knew: My computer is a dinosaur with no memory. I will be buying a laptop in the near future. I am in the throes of: Mac or PC? To PC or not to PC...heh. He was an interesting kid...told me a lot of stuff about Apple I didn't know.
7. Fibromyalgia - Too Legit to Quit! Last night I watched my taped episode of "House" - ugh. It was about a young guy in chronic pain who's repeatedly trying to commit suicide because well, Jesus Christo, he's in CHRONIC PAIN and he's been to something like 7 specialists in 3 years and no one can figure out what's wrong. Three years? Pussy! No, seriously, that episode had my address all over it. Kind of a depressing episode when you can relate to it just a little too well. Anyway, they actually threw out the word 'fibromyalgia' as a possible diagnosis for him. That was cool though - considering there's still a shitload of ignorant, compassionless fucktard doctors out there that don't think it's a real condition. Also, an author and columnist for O! The Oprah Magazine, Martha Beck, spent her last column talking a great deal about her struggles with fibromyalgia. This is big kids. Fifteen years ago when I had just gotten ill, I can't tell you how many insensitive prick doctors told me I was a nut job, just needed to get on AD's, the condition didn't exist, blah blah blippity blah. I only wish those people could spend 6 months with a nice severe case of fibro. They'd start singing a different tune. Or I could just bash their hands with a hammer non-stop for 6 months. Whatever.
8. Speaking of TV - after another dismal Fall TV season, I actually have some things to watch. Burn Notice is coming back (mind candy). Also, I taped a new show called "Lie To Me" with Tim Roth. TIM ROTH! He was one of my earliest acting gods. Also, he played Mr. Orange in "Reservoir Dogs" and who doesn't remember THAT little flick? God I so distinctly remember seeing that movie in 1992 and my mind was BLOWN! I LOVED IT! (Yes, I have a thing for movies that most women probably don't like that much). It was only years later I found out how Tarantino had totally ripped off so many other movies - (one being the genius "The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3 from the 70's which is naturally being remade and without Robert Shaw and Walter Matthau - why the fuck bother???). Seriously. I love me some Tim Roth. He and Gary Oldman - I was CERTAIN they were going to be the British equivalent of Newman and Redford or something. But Gary - I don't know. Booze, now on his 3rd wife who's about 20 years younger than he is? Also lot of bad script choices...I don't know where Tim has been. I hope this show is good.
I came late to the party, but I love "The Mentalist" because, well, Christ on a cracker, have you SEEN Simon Baker? Also, I'm in the middle of Top Chef and praying the legal troubles end so Project Runway can come back. BTW, I have quit ALL the housewives...of Orange County, New York, Atlanta, whatever. Yeah! No kidding. It only took 4 seasons for my brain to finally say "Why are you watching these leather-faced, silicone-planted, Botox-pinned, vacuous drunks?" See, little bits of sanity within the insanity. Baby steps.
9. I am still not working. I wonder if the school district lost my phone number. Unreal.
10. I think the Oscar noms come out in a few hours. Oh and it's the first anniversary of Heath Ledger's death. Yes, I know, this is kind of reading like the National Enquirer isn't it? I just know that because I saw a cover article on him on Entertainment Weekly. Man, waste, waste, waste.
11. We are supposed to get some rain which means it will mist here for 20 minutes, people will become utterly hysterical on the roads, a bajillion accidents will happen and it'll be 85 degrees come Sunday.
12. I read somewhere today Henry VIII was terrified of cats. Good. I'm really hating on the cat haters lately. I feel like I have to defend all the poor felines of the world. Damn they get bad press! People who hate them because they can't control them - ha! That speaks volumes to me about the PERSON! "I must have a creature who will be at my beck and call 24/7." Why am I going on about cats? Really, I don't think anyone understands the breadth and depth of the drop in sanity here. Also, people who hate little dogs can...bite me.
13. My mom was pondering a trip. First she was pondering a cruise, and now a trip to a luxury resort in Phoenix. Hmmm. S, got any good tips on that last one? Of course, (and I kid you not) she is also pondering taking money out of the bank and putting it in her mattress. I can see both points of view.
14. Speaking of trying to save money - by God, I'm cutting coupons! I am, I am!
15. I have two all-day/night passes to Disneyland and California Adventure. I really want to go. It's not like work will interfere. I received these passes as a Christmas gift from one of my students last year at the Insane Asylum I worked at. I don't do roller coasters though - so most people won't bother going to DL with me. I don't care. I practically grew up there, it IS the 'happiest place on earth' and I just enjoy being in the park. Except for all the people. Especially the children. I am half-kidding about that last part.
16. I finally got the Christmas pictures developed. I think I will try and find one of my niece and post it. She's 27 inches! Sadly, she's still not putting on the weight like she should...but she's crawling like mad, and walking between the furniture using the table, sofa, etc. to help her. Go Ella!
17. I heard - literally - Rush Limbaugh say he "wants Obama to fail." He said it. "I want him to fail." You know, it's one thing to disagree on policies and issues, and even say "I want this or that policy to fail" - but this pig is unreal. He is a steaming, infected boil on the ass of humanity who needs to be lanced into oblivion. I HATE HIM! Even though I disagreed with SO MUCH that Bush did, I never started out saying "I hope he fails." Why doesn't Limbaugh just say he hopes the whole country fails - so he can be proven right? He's a seriously disturbed fuck.
18. Peanut butter and salmonella - Oh for nut's sake. I ate two Reese's peanut butter hearts last week and well, did NOT feel well at all for a couple of days. I wonder...??? Probably not...but man, is it me or does it seem like some type of food is being recalled every month because of salmonella poisoning? Hmmm. I can think of a specific conservative radio talk show host I'd like to shove a jar of Jiffy down...or up. Whatever. OMG! I think I hear rain. Drowns out the voices...heh.
19. I've quite the potty mouth in this blog don't I?
Photo: Ella Bella, in the 'holiday' dress I bought her, on Christmas Eve, 2008.
1) Use headphones. Trust me they help a lot on this song. I'm still not sold on it, but it sounds loads better on headphones, especially good ones.
2) I was pretty irritated about that during the ceremony. I didn't catch at that time that it was out of order, but I noticed the rushed was Roberts recited it made it harder to follow and didn't give it the impressiveness it should have. Biden's oath was done very well by both the Justice who administered it and by Biden. that's how Obama's should have been done and I was irritated that Roberts rushed it. Anyway, from what I've been reading, they didn't have to do it again, but decided to just to quiet any wackos (and there are plenty of those) who would say Obama really isn't the President because he didn't do the oath correctly.
and speaking of wackos...
17) Limbaugh is an ass. I try to think about him as little as possible, but my guess for why he would do that is because he thinks he (Limbaugh) would be more successful if Obama crashes. He only thinks of himself.
3) Hoping for good results.
5) :shiftyeyedsmilie:
6) I know many people love Macs, but I've had a pc so long I'm not sure I could get used to a Mac that easily now. I did buy an ibook, but sold it -- it sure as hell wasn't intuitive for me.
11) we had freezing fog yesterday morning. How's that for lovely? That shit is slippery!
12) I have to admit I think differently (not in a good way either) about people who don't like cats and dogs. They don't need to love them or have them, but the ones that say they hate them (or actually mistreat them even if they say they like them)get a huge black mark in my book.
14) so am I!
15) Go! And enjoy!
16) It does sound as if she's improving, even if she isn't gaining much weight yet, so that's good news. Best wishes for her continued improvement.
17) they are even recalling peanut butter dog biscuits now! Luckily I have bought any for Zeke. Otherwise I don't think I've eaten much with peanut butter lately (except actual peanut butter -- I probably should stop that too just in case).
The second 17) in my comment should have been 18. Although I really wouldn't mind if Limbaugh ate some contaminated dog biscuits.... ;-)
And there were some typos in there too, but I can't be arsed to correct them now. (I love that phrase -- can't be arsed. :-) )
i don't have the time to properly comment, but i just want to say "you're welcome" for the e-card, and i hope you are feeling better soon!!
much love.
Way too much to comment on. I tend to agree with everything you said, except the part about HATING LITTLE DOGS. If you had to live with the fucking little shit dog next door barking constantly and so annoyingly that he can shatter glass (plus being a mean little bastard -- he pushes Summer around and she's 10 times his size), you might change your tune. I have thought many times of killing it, and have continually told Summer to. She won't get arrested for it.
As for resorts, we have a wealth of them. The Phoenician, The Boulders, the Royal Palms, The Sanctuary and my favorite, The Biltmore (a FLW gorgeous building and landmark -- truly posh).
Rush Limbaugh can bite my flabby white ass.
We had rain last night and it's still supposed to be 75. Fuck!
I missed the Tim Roth show. Dammit.
Good luck with the ADs. The thing i hate is it takes so long for them to kick in and see if they're helping.
Word Verification: psimism
I know, I wrote SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much I can't expect you kids to comment on everything - or even anything! But thanks for COMMENTING! I obviously have many people who read and have NEVER commented! NEVER!
Word: preehes
Oh and yeah, OK, I concede that some little dogs are nuttier than fruitcakes and yap until you're ready to twist their tails around their necks. You are too funny though - telling the big dog to kill the little one.
word: abbilea
I throw myself at your mercy, having not commented in oh-so-long. See, sometimes I just forget to check your blog. Then I do. And I discover that I missed six or seven posts--which is actually quite exciting--but it has the side effect of making any responses a little more litany-esque, rather than the sort of natural, flowing dialogue one expects of one's regular blog readers.
So, anyway, let me just state for the record that I would go to Disneyland with you any day. I, too, do not like rollercoasters, and would love nothing more than to stroll around taking pictures of strange things.
(Today's word verification is "vesiver," which sounds like a prescription drug to treat arthritis. "With Vesiver, I'm back in the game!")
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