He doesn’t appear to be an imposing man – maybe 5’10 or so if that. Slight frame, a nondescript form. You’d pass him on the street and never look twice – if it wasn’t for the eyes. Two of the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen. He's a nobody, he's anybody, he's somebody now; a first generation Irishman, born and bred on the blue-collar streets of Dorchester, Massachusetts. His parents emigrated here from Ireland God knows when; Irish and Catholic and there were two things in his house you never did. You never took the Lord’s name in vain and you never crossed a picket line. Jesus didn’t look kindly on scabs. Dad was a union man to the core.
His mouth is rather small, his lips a bit thin, even his smile melancholy. He isn't handsome in a conventional manner; hell, he's pasty and slight – a boyo from the Old Country who’d made his fortune steadily, over the years, using what he’d learned from the lads and bums of Dorchester and its environs. Sometimes he grew a goatee – or the hint of one I guess. Almost looked like it took him half a year just to do that. It made him look a bit devilish. He has it in spades – the boyish face, the sad eyes, the furrowed brow and a face far too old for its time.
He'd captured me, unawares, and completely, but how?
Who is this guy? A new beau?
Ha, no. I just started writing again (writer's block comes and goes) and I was reading one of his novels and looked at the inside flap and started reading about him. I was sort of fascinated by his face (I get that way about faces) and I LOVE his books (he wrote Mystic River, Gone, Baby, Gone and others that are being made into movies, heh). Anyway, I haven't been so into fiction in years. I think he's a literary genius. Plus I do think he looks like a sad clown. But I was just playing around with describing the way he looked. Oh BTW his name is Dennis Lehane. Bizarre blog I know.
damn.....you've been a bizzy cookie busy writing and writing. and i didn't even know it.
i'm going to have to get caught up.
btw, this guy reminds me of hugh laurie for some perverted reason. must be the beard.
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