Back to the Grind
Well, here it is, almost midnight on Saturday night/Sunday morning. My 'blissful' 2 1/2 week 'winter break' (we don't dare say Christmas vacation anymore) is almost over. Where in the hell did it go? I know exactly where it went. I spent 8 days in Atlanta, which was great when I got to see my niece, but was tough because traveling during the holidays sucks. This was the first time I'd ever spent Christmas out of California. I'm 40 years old and have still spent almost every Christmas at the house I grew up in. It was a bit disorienting, but again, worth it, to see my niece.
Then I get home, and the next day visit my dying grandmother. Cut to one morphine dose and one New Year's Day later and grandma leaves this earthly realm on the 2nd. So then I spend a few hours in her house with my mom waiting for the mortuary to arrive and take her body away. I am fascinated by how when we're alive, we are "us" by the millisecond we die, we become "the body." It makes sense really because if you've ever been up close and personal to someone after they've died, it is totally and completely obvious that our bodies are truly just shells...whatever brain activity, life force, soul, etc. that is 'us' has let the proverbial building.
So now I'm sitting here writing thank-you notes to my students for all their wonderful 'winter' gifts. Gee, I don't know what else to call them! Oddly enough, I received extraordinarily generous 'winter' gifts from my 90% Jewish students. Seriously, you should see the stack of Barnes and Noble gift cards I received. Not to mention the Macy' gift card, the Nordstrom's gift card, the Starbucks and Coffee Bean/Tea Leaf gift cards and the Visa $50 gift card. Oh and don't let me forget the TWO Disneyland park-hopper passes! These winter gifts also included about two tons of candy, a book on van Gogh, a gratitude journal, several scented candles, a beautiful ring, a lovely scarf, a throw for the couch, a bath set, a personalized teacher pad, a coffee and mug set and probably more things I've forgotten. Honestly my biggest fear is that I'm going to forget to give someone a thank you note and/or get the gifts mixed up.
I am falling into the inevitable grip of "January" despair, which could be understandable this year, giving my temperment, history of depression, rainy, cold weather, and the recent death of my grandmother - which has just generally put me in a funk and set me off on one of the 'what the hell is it all for' anyway mindsets. Aside from her death, I normally despise the months of January and February. There's always the post-holiday meltdown, and since I've been teaching and/or in school for over ten years, I'm used to having a long vacation and going back to work, while good for me, is never that exciting in the new year. I don't normally find the 'new year' very inspiring. I find it depressing. I can't really explain any better why I hate these two months so much. It's normally our 'winter' if you will - the two months when we get the most rain - although the last couple of years have been pretty dry. Here's something kind of odd. My paternal grandmother, who I was very close to, died on January 30, 1995. My maternal grandfather died on January 4, 1986. Now my maternal grandmother has died on January 2, 2008. My father died on February 12, 1996, and my best friend's mother died on Februrary 28, 2003. Even Mr. Rogers died on February 27, 2003! Mr. Rogers! Ha. Needless to say, I have even more reason to despise these dreary months. We do get a couple of paid holidays, so yippeeee.
I know it's best for me to go back to work, since I am getting too depressed now just roaming about here on my own. Yet I'm not ready for 31 kids bouncing off the walls. Also, Tuesday is the funeral and I really just want to get that out of the way. The kids are going to camp on February 4th. I'm praying I don't have to spend the night there with them. It's going to be colder than a witch's tit in the Malibu/Santa Monica mountains, where the camp is located. All the schools in the district have their fifth grade classes go to this "Outdoor Education" camp. We just got lucky and we get to be the first school who goes - in the beginning of February. Geniuses.
My biggest issue is how NOT to spend 10 hours at work a day. Seriously. I want to be able to have a life. Work took over and with my health and work, this is why I never had time to write, or sometimes even to read people's blogs and make a simple comment. My goal is to start leaving work at 3:00 p.m. I get there early enough - there's no one paying me to stay any later than 3p.m. and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I'm contractually supposed to be there from 8:00am to 3 p.m. I worked my ass off doing all these extra things for my class and honestly, it's sad to say I don't think the kids appreciated it. The principal doesn't know about them. It's not like I can get a promotion. Hell, I'm on probation and just praying the school will re-hire me at the end of June. I always felt like I needed to put 110% into a job. But I realize there is really no loyalty from any organization or company. No one is going to reward me or pat me on the back. With my limited energy I'd rather do other things. Perhaps if I didn't have the FMS I could do it all. But I can't. Fourteen years into this health nightmare and I'm just accepting this now. I can't be superwoman and I don't want to be superwoman anymore. I want a relationship. I want fun. I want more time with friends, here and online. I keep saying "They don't pay me enough" to be there at work on the weekends. I know new teachers that spend sooooooo much time in their classroom. Perhaps because I'm older, have worked other jobs, don't have the energy of a healthy 24 year-old, I'm not willing to do this. Maybe I'm smarter, maybe I'm lazy. Maybe I don't care as much as I should, or maybe I've decided to care about me more.
I think that's the whole point right there. For those of you who know me, and those who only know me via online or email, I spend an inordinate amount of time doing, doing, doing for others - now it's for my class/students. I also spend a lot of $$$ buying for others. Gifts for the holidays, gifts for the kids, etc. I've decided for the first time in my life, to become more selfish. If I am hired back to teach next year, ohhhhhhhhhh I'll be doing things differently in class. Talk about being too indulgent! This is a very bad habit I plan to break. It's going to be hard. I'm used to saying "yes" to everyone for everything. I'm used to paying for too much, buying too much, and paying in a different way. No mas.
Ok, I don't really have any picture to put up, so I'm putting up another one of my niece, because I don't ever get tired of looking at her.
Photo: Ella bella and her funny fingers. She likes to play with her fingers and hands.
Good to see you back. And you're right, you don't need to spend every waking hour at work. I lost a lot when i used to do that and when i cut back to normal hours, none of my friend were there anymore.
I guess the one perk of working in a posh school is the quality of gifts you receive. When i was in school we never gave teachers gifts. Odd.
Well heck, when I was in school I think we gave the teacher a handmade card or something. I guess the gifts are in lieu of a bonus or promotion because we really don't get those either. Still, this being my first year, I was kind of embarrassed by it.
She's absolutely beautiful! Wonderful!
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