The 25
Oh heck, everyone's doing it - why not jump on the bandwagon...although suddenly I fear I don't even have 25 very interesting things to say about my life that people don't already know about because of this blog or my big mouth!
25. When I was at a preschool, around age 3, some nasty bitch locked me in a utility closet all day because I was crying for my mom. Yes I remember it - I have a fantastic and scary memory. Despite this event, I'm not really claustrophobic.
24. I have an irrational fear of pool drains. Don't ask why - I've never had an accident with one, knock wood. Honestly, I get nervous when swimming in the deep end of a pool and I know I'm over the drain. It freaks me out just to look down at it. I don't fear any other kind of drain. Weird, huh?
23. I have traveled to every state in the union except Florida. I've been to Alaska and Hawai'i' - Hawai'i three times. I really have no desire to go to Florida.
22. I would venture to say I've seen, encountered, etc. more famous people, movies stars, celebrities, musicians than anyone I know. I've never approached one or spoken to any one of them (we don't count The Church people!) - except when I sold them books at a bookstore. This is both a law of natives of L.A. - we don't feed the celebrities, and also my own personal belief in not bugging famous people on their off time.
21. When I was 24 years old, I worked for The Walt Disney Company. Many days I ate lunch on the set of Mary Poppins. Yes, they still had part of the set up!
20. When I was 8 years old, taking a piano lesson in a wealthy section of a suburb of L.A., my 85 year old piano teacher and I were held up at gunpoint. My piano teacher had balls the size of grapefruits - she slammed the door in the gunman's face.
19. I can trace my ancestry back to the following countries: Germany, Ireland, Wales, England, Canada.
18.One of the most erotic places I feel a guy can kiss me is the inside of my hand. Don't ask. I had a boyfriend who did this once and wow!
17. I have been friends with my best friend for 33 years. When we first met, we hated each other on sight, with a passion and neither of us can remember why.
16. Among my other neuroses is my intense need to sit by the window in an airplane. Honestly, for some reason, it calms me down to be able to see the ground at all times. If I have to sit away from the window, I get really nervous. No, I don't think I'm keeping the plane up by looking at the ground. ;)
15. My great-grandfather was born in Madeburg, Germany and was a well known firgure throughout Europe. At 20 he was commissioned by King Leopold of Belgium to explore the unknown African Congo. He was also an artist and sculptor, and painted portraits of Eleanor Roosevelt and Charles Lindbergh. He had an exhibition of his most famous works at the San Diego Museum of Art. His wife, Aimee Souvee, was French Canadian. I don't know exactly when they emigrated to the U.S.
14. My favorite poet is T.S. Eliot, my favourite poem is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, my favourite movie is Blade Runner, my favourite band is The Church, my favourite singers are Steve Kilbey and Frank Sinatra, my favourite artist is Caravaggio, my favourite Classical music piece is Beethoven's 9th Symphony/Schiller's Ode to Joy, my favourite movie director is Martin Scorsese, my favourite swear word is 'fuck', my favourite pastime is reading, my favourite animal is the cat (surprise), my favourite book is impossible to choose but it would be a toss up between The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye and The Heart of Darkness.
13. Aside from being an art history teacher, I wanted to be two things in life: an actor and a detective. I could never make it through the police academy to become a detective, but this explains my obsession with true crime, forensics and other assorted morbid interests most people find repulsive. I like looking at crime scenes - they're just mysteries to be solved.
12. I have the thickest hair of anyone on the planet. Honestly, if I had a dollar for every stylist who told me I had thick hair, I'd be a rich, rich lady.
11. My favourite city in the world so far is still New York, with London coming in a close second.
10. I have never had a 'white' Christmas. I really want to experience snow at Christmas for once in my life.
9. I have visited two celebrity graves in my life: Elvis's grave at Graceland when I was 12, and Frank Sinatra's grave in Palm Desert about 4 years ago. I so regret I never got to see Sinatra in concert.
8. The most important things I've done with my life to this date are: teaching my students, both college and elementary school, and working with survivors of suicide.
7. Of all the friends I've lost or left over the years, the one I think about the most is Heather.
6. I cry more easily than anyone I know and probably cry at least once a week. Since I started this f-ing Program, I cry a LOT now. ;)
5. I am obsessed with bedding. Seriously. I have a sad fixation on high-thread count sheets. I bought 1000 thread count sheets and now everything else feels like sandpaper! I have about 8 pillows, a down comforter, a quilt, about 10 sheet sets, and various blankets. I have an expensive pillow-top mattress and I'm always looking to make my bed more comfortable. It's kind of sick.
4. I love hotels. Really, really, really nice hotels. I've been fortunate enough to stay in several 5 star hotels in my life. Once I sent my laundry out in a hotel in Vancouver, and my t-shirts came back wrapped in tissue paper and gold ribbon in white boxes. I just stood there and said "Oh my god, this is how rich people live." Extremely nice hotels are a weakness for me.
3. I've had plastic surgery, I've been in therapy, I lived in Malibu, worked in the entertainment industry. On the surface, this doesn't really look good.
2. My most romantic fantasty is to go to the Maldives, or Fiji, and be able to stay in one of those obscenely expensive villas where you have your own private pool right by the ocean, and you can swim in the warm waters under a full moon and stars, at night, stark naked. The rest of this fantasy is private, but suffice to say, Daniel Craig is somewhat involved.
1. I hate sushi and I won't apologise for it! You raw fish eating people are all freaks!
Photo: #2 on my list - the Maldives. Ahhhhh....maybe someday.
very in-ter-esting!!! forgive me for repeating what you said, denise, but~~i have learned more about you here than in the countless e-mails we have exchanged.
sorry about the nasty bitch. i'm glad you didn't develop a complex.
oh, about your "princess" bed~~i'm a freak about a comfortable bed, too. i have six pillows, two comforters and a feather top mattress. i hate a cold bed, so my electric blanket stays on year round. there's nothing like climbing into a fluffy, cozy, warm bed. you can never be too comfortable, ya know. ;)
i forgot to mention the bit about the sushi~~amen, sista!! i'm definitely with you on that one.
>>pass the barf bag<<
Ah, another sushi hater! I knew there was a reason I liked you V!!! ; )
A few brief thoughts:
18: Isn't it weird how someone else can show you something about your body that even you didn't know?
10: I know you've been around snow a time or two, but every time I see a really nice snow, the kind that is all flakey and packable (perfect for snowballs, snowmen, et cetera) I say to myself, "I wish Denise were here."
1: Just keep in mind that not all sushi is raw fish. Some of it is cooked fish, and some of it is raw vegetables, and some of it is cooked vegetables. So you could easily go to a sushi restaurant and not eat any raw fish.
And someday you will. With me.
I had to laugh at the one regarding hotels. The Gold Coast in Chicago must have been traumatic for you! I'm more of the "if it has a bed and a bathroom I'm happy" school when it comes to hotels. I don't think I've ever stayed at a hotel for any other reason than as a place to crash for the night before heading out the next day either though.
I don't think I'd be really happy with sushi either. Never been fond of fish -- raw or cooked.
Ahem... i'm not a freak. Sushi is food from the Gods! Great sushi melts in your mouth like a ridiculously expensive steak.
I loved #2, made me laugh a lot. And i'm with you on that kinda thing. I'm spoiled for 4-star hotels now and can't stand staying elsewhere. Sometimes you just want to be treated like a queen.
As for #2, i know what the circumstances are for all of them and you should be shot for the way you wrote it out.
I think the bit about your granddad is fucking awesome!
And as for books, a little bit dark, are we?
Thanks for doing this. I really enjoyed it. Now we have to get Valeska to do the same. Hint hint.
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