Saturday, June 10, 2006

Zoe's Little Nightmare

Ok, it's almost 2:30am and as usual the cats are asleep on the bed.
Fletcher is on her pillow, dead to the world on the edge of the bed.

Zoe is in her usual spot, which is on my pillows, where I sleep.
All of a sudden I hear this *thud* and then hear Zoe hissssss
really nothing. She just sort of flipped over and went back to sleep.
I don't know why, but it's cracking me up.
It's like she had a nightmare or something.
At first I thought that one of the cats' grooming sessions had turned into
another bitch-fight, but no, Fletcher is still sound asleep across the bed.

Man, I am *scared* now to get in bed with this freaky cat.
Wait til she finds out she has to get off my pillows.

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